
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Guide to Doing Laundry in College

Doing laundry in college can be a challenge — but it can also be easier than you might think. Just remember: you dont have to be psychic to do laundry correctly. But you do have to read, so just check the labels if youre not sure. Preparation Read the labels of anything unique. Have a fancy dress? Nice button-down shirt? New bathing suit? Pants or skirt made of a funky material? Anything that seems a little out of the ordinary might need extra care. A quick read of the tag instructions (usually found by the neck or waist or on the bottom inside left-side seam of shirts) can help prevent disasters. Anything needing special care or a certain water temperature should be separated from the rest.Sort out anything new. If you just bought a new, bright-red t-shirt, made tie-dye shirts with some friends, or have any other clothes that have dark (like black, blue, or brown) or bright (like bright pink or green) colors, these kinds of clothes might bleed (i.e., have their colors seep out and stain the rest of your clothes). Wash them separately on their first wash — but they should be good to join their friends for the next go-around.Separate clothes by color. Put the darks (blacks, blues, browns, jeans, dark towels, etc.) i n one color and the lights in another (whites, creams, tans, pastels, etc.). Some colors, like light gray, can go in either pile, so feel free to move those around to make your loads around the same size. Washing Put one load of similarly colored clothes (e.g., darks or lights but not both) in the machine. A few rules here: dont squish them in. Dont pack them in. Just kinda throw them in so theres enough room for things to move and swim around once the machine fills with water. If you pack things in, they wont get clean and the detergent gets stuck on everything.Put in the soap. Read the instructions on the box or bottle. Dont necessarily use one full cap or one full cup; detergent companies like your money so they make it easy to put too much soap in. Put enough in for one load, which may be only half a cup. Read, read, read to find out how much you really need.Set the water temperature. A good rule of thumb to follow: Darks need cold water, lights need warm water, sheets and towels need hot water. Easy cheesy.Hit start! Drying Separate anything that cant go in the dryer. This may be something you found by reading the labels. It may also be things like bras with underwires, fancy underwear, bathing suits, or sweaters that would otherwise shrink from the heat.Put your clothes in the dryer. Take your clothes from the washer and put them in the dryer. If you want, you can add a dryer sheet; doing so will prevent static cling and make your clothes smell fantastic. Youll have to guesstimate how much time your clothes will need. If you have stuff that you dont want wrinkled, pull it out when its still a tad wet and hang it up. If you dont care, just dry it until everything is super dry and ready to go. Tips If you have nasty stains (like wine or dirt), try rubbing something on it before washing your clothes. (You can find stain-removal products near the laundry soap in any store.)If you love how clean clothes smell, consider putting a dryer sheet in each of your drawers, putting one between your towels, or hanging a few randomly in your closet.Because college laundry rooms have so many machines, consider having a night where you and your friends hang out and do something to pass the time while washing clothes. That way everyones clothes get clean and you can at least have some fun in the process.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Stem Cell Controversy - 2805 Words

Stem Cell Controversy Stem cells were first isolated and cultured in November of 1998 and have been surrounded with much debate and controversy since day one. â€Å"Although the ethical debates have been mostly static and have closely mimicked the ethical debates over abortion, the political determinations concerning federal funding of stem cell research have gone through numerous evolutions in the years since the first hESCs were isolated and cultured† (Saltzberg 505). Research is currently being conducted on stem cells, but only with private funds. The federal government has a ban on funding embryonic stem cell research because of the controversial issue of using embryos and fetuses. However, because of the possibility of a renewable†¦show more content†¦There would be no chance for tissue rejection and no drugs would be needed to correct any problems regarding rejection. In preliminary tests conducted by Geron, a pharmaceutical company, stem cells slip by the human immune system un harmed. However, scientists have been unable to find multipotent stem cells in all tissues in the body. Therefore, the only way to obtain certain cells would be to use pluripotent stem cells, which are found in embryos and fetal tissue. This is where much controversy comes into play with stem cells. Much research is needed and this will only happen if federal funds are used to conduct research on stem cells. In August of 2001, President Bush made a speech regarding stem cell research. In this speech he said, â€Å"Based on preliminary work that has been privately funded, scientists believe further research using stem cells offers great promise that could help improve the lives of those who suffer from many terrible diseases† (Ruse 10). In the end, Bush said he would allow for federal funds to be used on stem cell research, but there was a catch. As a result of private research, more than sixty genetically diverse stem cell lines already exist. They were created from embryos that have already been destroyed, and they have the ability to regenerate themselves indefinitely, creating ongoing opportunities for research. I have concluded that we should allow federalShow MoreRelatedStem Cell Research Controversy : Stem Cells1886 Words   |  8 Pages Stem cell research controversy. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? A person like me will either agree with it or disagree with this topic. I personally agree with stem cell research. First I want to start by pointing out that there are three main stem cells used in research the adult stem cell, induced-pluripotent stem cells, and lastly the embryonic stem cells. It has been shown that using blood stem cells to treat diseases of the blood have been beneficial, and has also saved manyRead MoreThe Controversy Of Embryonic Stem Cells1034 Words   |  5 PagesFor decades, researchers’ use of stem cells has caused a controversy and the consideration of the ethics of research involving the development, usage, and destruction of human embryos. Most commonly, this controversy focuses on embryonic stem cells. Not all stem cell research involves the creation, usage and destruction of human embryos. For example, adult stem cells, amniotic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells do not involve creating, using or destroying human embryos and thus areRead MoreThe Controversy Of Stem Cell Research1894 Words   |  8 PagesThe Controversy of Stem Cell Research The ethics of research involving fetuses or material derived from fetuses have been widely debated for over three decades, portrayed by its proponents as holding the key to scientific and medical breakthrough and by its opponents as devaluing the most basic form of human life. The latest chapter in this long saga involves the use of embryonic stem cells. Research in this field took a great leap forward in 1998, when the first successes in growing human stemRead MoreThe Controversy Over Stem Cell Research1169 Words   |  5 Pagesyears, stem cell research has become a prominent way of treating: heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, spinal problems, and much more ; moreover, in recent years as Stem cell research became more popular, it has sparked controversy over the religion aspect of stem cell research. Stem cell research begins with culturing an embryonic cell and then injecting the stem cell into the area of concern(Robertson). Pluripotent stem cells are gathered and used to treat the areas, pluripotent stem cells are thoseRead MoreWeighing the Controversy and Good of Stem Cells1182 Words   |  5 PagesStem cells can become many different cell types. There are three main types; totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent. They have already have been successful in treating some diseases and have the potential to cure many other diseases. Stem cells have also been very useful in drug testing. However they have caused a lot of controversy, but some technology has helped settle this controversy. Cells must be specialized, differentiated and unmistakable so they can create the human body. The cells needRead More The Controversy of Stem Cell Research Essays1410 Words   |  6 PagesThe Controversy of Stem Cell Research One of the most controversial topics these days is Stem Cell Research. There seems to be a split opinion among societies about the research and whether it is socially and morally acceptable. As a society, we need to open our minds to the possibility of broadening our scientific horizons with stem cell research, and take the time to learn and understand whatever we can about it. There are a lot of people who dont know exactly what Stem Cell ResearchRead MoreStem Cell Research Controversy Essay681 Words   |  3 PagesThe controversy over stem cell research’s use in the medical field is almost two decades old. So why the sudden intense return of fierce political debates over an old issue? It’s because President Obama recently revoked the ban on stem cell research, as he believes it holds the potential to revolutionize the medical industry in the years to come. As USA Today quoted him saying in March, after he stopped restricting federal funding for stem cell research, At this moment, the full promise of stem cellRead MoreThe Debate Over Embryonic Stem Cell Controversy2546 Words   |  11 PagesEmbryonic Stem Cell Controversy â€Å"I truly believe that stem cell research is going to allow our children to look at Alzheimer’s and diabetes and other major diseases the way we look at polio today, which is a preventable disease† (Solomon). Susan Solomon has founded the New York Stem Cell Foundation and has been seen as the hero for stem cell scientists around the world. Over the past couple years, stem cell research has been at its high; scientists all over the world are using these cells to try toRead MoreBenefits and Controversy of Stem Cell Research547 Words   |  2 Pagesproblems associated with stem cell use and stem cell research. Problems Benefits There is a lot of controversy about laws and beliefs in respect to stem cells, specifically embryonic stem cells, regarding contraception, abortion, and in vitro fertilization. Many cultures and religions believe that the use of embryonic stem cells is unethical because they believe life starts from the moment of contraception therefore the destruction of a human blastocyst to obtain embryonic stem cells is murder and itRead MoreThe Controversy Over The Ethics Of Stem Cell Research Essay2367 Words   |  10 PagesThe Controversy of Embryonic Stem Cell Research THE 210/04December 2, 2012 There is a debate over the ethics of stem cell research and many people on opposing sides of the issue are not aware of all aspects. In order to intelligently debate the legal and ethical issues regarding stem cell research, one must understand what stem cells are, the applications currently available, and the impact of the research. It is also important to understand the distinction between adult and embryonic stem cells before

Friday, May 15, 2020

Christian Morality Has Become A Tale Of Shame - 930 Words

According to Nietzsche genealogy of Christian morality has become a tale of shame – wherein the weak promote the propagation of a lie and foster a mistaken explanation for suffering. By overlooking the will to power that occurs naturally in all the people, Christianity cages, and dulls the will preventing it from expressing itself. This in turn creates problems by removing the individual’s ability to master their own life – turning them into puppets under the guidance of the government. From the Christian perspective, nihilistic views empower the people – giving them hope and a belief in internal strength. From Nietzsche’s view point Christianity and its by-product – democracy - in fact remove any sense of power or self from the realm of the weak. There is no room for advancement until death. Nietzsche points to alternative sources of suffering and punishment – noting a sadistic expression of will to power that in some ways is remin iscent of sociopathic tendencies. The best human life uses will to power as a motivator. The weak and the strong seek to fulfill their desires and the expression as such can be varied. It can be the source of punishment as expressed in the past and modernity. According to Nietzsche, man should murder and taunt to fulfill his needs. This all became restricted with the advent of modern society creating only a space for internal suffering and anger. In moments of public suffering, will to power is expressed – but is still primarily constrained byShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of The Wife Of Bath1521 Words   |  7 Pagesa wyf destroyeth hire housbonde (371-377). In the Middle Ages, women were not given much slack or authority regarding their morality, spirituality, and economic and social positioning. Biblical symbols caused a misrepresentation of women and were highly regarded in the suppressing of the female voice and their value outside of being a wife and mother. â€Å" The Wife of Bath’s Tale† provides one of the most intriguing medieval cultural insights to gender studies. The reader joins a pilgrimage with the CanterburyRead More Morality in Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne and The Tell Tale Heart by Poe2603 Words   |  11 PagesMorality in Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne and The Tell Tale Heart by Poe Young Goodman Brown, by Hawthorne, and The Tell Tale Heart, by Poe, offer readers the chance to embark on figurative and literal journeys, through our minds and our hearts. Hawthorne is interested in developing a sense of guilt in his story, an allegory warning against losing ones faith. The point of view and the shift in point of view are symbolic of the darkening, increasingly isolated heart of the main characterRead MoreComparison of How Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in the Outsider Have Used Moral Issues to Develop Their Works1612 Words   |  7 PagesThe Outsider have used moral issues to develop their works It is debatable whether morality is a code of conduct that is considered right by society or whether it is a code unilaterally decided upon by an individual. When we consider morality as a tool used by both Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in The Outsider, this debate holds immense relevance. Wonderful Fool, heavily influenced by Christian doctrine, addresses the degeneration of Japanese society and the way moral issues areRead MoreComparison of How Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in the Outsider Have Used Moral Issues to Develop Their Works1599 Words   |  7 PagesThe Outsider have used moral issues to develop their works It is debatable whether morality is a code of conduct that is considered right by society or whether it is a code unilaterally decided upon by an individual. When we consider morality as a tool used by both Shusaku Endo in Wonderful Fool and Albert Camus in The Outsider, this debate holds immense relevance. 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In this era, England and northern Europe were in the process of becoming Christianized and Beowulf was originally the story of a pagan hero with supernatural powers who had been turned into a Christian knight and holy warrior by the time the story was written down in the 9th Century. His mission is also Christ-like in that he sacrifices his life to defend the people against Grendel and his mother the Dragon or Devil. The Green Knight is a storyR ead MoreEssay On Sexuality In Bram Stokers Dracula2371 Words   |  10 Pagesmedia, and pop culture, during the Victorian era in England, the only acceptable exploration of repressed sexual desire was through a book that upholds the Christian belief of sexuality’s corruptive effects on society. In Bram Stoker’s Dracula, a gothic, horror novel, Dracula, a vampire from Transylvania, preys on Mina Harker, a devoted Christian and intelligent woman, and Lucy Westenra, an innocent, young woman pursued by three suitors, by luring them and sucking their blood; the women and theirRead MoreHistory of British Literature3343 Words   |  14 Pagesthe internal crisis. The decline in agriculture together with the rise in the population resulted in frequent famines and helped the spread during the 14th c. of the â€Å"Black Death†. 1381 – The Peasants’ Revolt. Culture: by 15th century England had become a nation with the sense of separate identity and indigenous culture 1362- English became the official language in court and was also used in schools. 14thc. witnessed the first original literary works written in English. Middle English literature Read MoreEssay on Ben Jonsons Volpone - A New Form of Comedy2984 Words   |  12 Pagesbe found in the tales of Aesop. Although Volpone takes on some characteristics of tragedy, it seems to follow closer to the conventions of comedy. But it is not the traditional form of comedy. It is a play that takes on the form of a comical satire as well as a morality play. It also adapts the features of a fable in that it strives to teach a moral. Yet this play, even though it adopts these traditions, puts a different twist on what people would expect from a comedy or morality play. Jonson presentsRead MoreThe Missouri Compromise1917 Words   |  8 PagesElias Boudinot, a Cherokee convert to Christianity, Boudinot’s speech â€Å"Address to the Whites† requests American financial aid to his tribe to purchase printing equipment and begin a school. He remarks that these funds are necessary as the Cherokee can become civilized, with financial and spiritual a ssistance. While the â€Å"Address to the Whites† was apparently successful in generating the funds requested (Pulley), his argument unfortunately begins to sound like the later Eurocentric poem by Rudyard Kipling

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hostess Essay - 889 Words

The Fate of the Hostess Twinkie Hostess Brands, manufacturer of the iconic Twinkie, is in a bit of a predicament. The company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2004, emerging in 2009, after rounds of restructuring and concessions taken by union and non-union employees (Flahardy, 2012). In the face of the recent recession and increasing commodities pricing, the company has yet again filed for bankruptcy protection (By Spector, 2012). In addition, the company has been engaged in collective bargaining with its two major unions, the Teamsters Union and the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM), hoping for more concessions from employees to help it survive. Combined, these unions represent†¦show more content†¦The company states that things must change. Also holding the company back are obligations with pension plans. The company currently owes the Bakery Confectionary Union Industry International Pension Fund some $944 million dollars (Flahardy, 2012). Add to this the $102 million annually that Hostess pays toward multi- employer pension plans and the company says it is tapped. These plans were designed to help employers in the industry share the costs, but as more and more companies are struggling, contributions have waned. This has put strain on those that are still making their payments (By Spector, 2012). The Union Perspective Union leaders say that the company has failed to innovate and has pursued business strategies that have failed again and again (By Spector, 2012). They state the company neglected to invest in product development and upgrades to manufacturing equipment so they wonder what makes this time any different than the last bankruptcy (Flahardy, 2012). The union has already seen concessions of $110 million annually (Feintzeig, 2012). They have also seen retirement ages increased from 57 to 65 (By Spector, 2012). From there perspective, millions of dollars have been given in bonuses to managers and supervisors while they are being asked to cut just to save their jobs. Conclusion Obviously the situation between the Hostess and its unionsShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Hostess1809 Words   |  8 Pagesand vision of Hostess is all about the growth of the company due to their most recent bankruptcy. In November 2012, Hostess filed bankruptcy due to a strike by the lab or unions. However, that was only after one week of the strike, Hostess had an immense amount of debt due to mismanaged cost-cutting and operations. Hostess is currently run by leaders from companies such as; Ghirardelli, Nabisco, and Hershey. With the new members of a relaunching company they can reinvent how Hostess is going to moveRead MoreEthical And Legal Environment Of Organizations1308 Words   |  6 Pages Hostess Brand Falls Flat Cristy Lawler Bethel University MOD 450: Ethical Legal Environment of Organizations Dr. Dorothy Black December 29, 2016 â€Æ' Abstract For over 70 years Hostess had been a staple on shelves everywhere. Then in the 80’s the company hit very hard financial troubles. In an effort to save the company it made hasty negotiations, took hefty loans for two major leaders, and then tried to quick fix the problem. All the while not holding up to their end of the bargains theyRead MoreMy Job As A Hostess921 Words   |  4 PagesMy roommate always complained about her summer job as a hostess, she would say how she couldn’t believe how many hours she worked for so little pay and that she couldn’t wait to graduate and go into a job she actually liked and make a decent salary. Goals like hers are what push people to go to college, but just because you have the desire doesn’t mean you have the drive. By the time midterm grades came out, she wasn’t going to class and had dropped one of her classes. Then the first week of NovemberRead MoreEssay on Hostess, Peace Weaver, and Mother871 Words   |  4 PagesWealhtheow, Hygd, Hildeburh, Freawaru, and Grendel’s Mother give examples of the historical roles that are expected of the women of this ancient time. The women in â€Å"Beowulf† have the significant roles of hostess, peaceweaver, and mother. Numerous women have the essential task of playing hostess to the battle seeking men. Wealhtheow is the queen and wife to Hrothgar, so she is considered to be a noblewoman. In the Mead Hall, Wealhtheow enters with the surveillance of her guests. The Queen elegantlyRead MoreRecommendation Of The Restructuring Of Interstate Bakeries1762 Words   |  8 Pagescosts due to a labor force that is mostly unionized and an overly diverse portfolio, so the company must compete on a level that differentiates their company in order to gain an advantage 4. The brand portfolio consists of strong brand names such as Hostess, Wonder Bread, Merita and Dolly Madison. These brands are nationally known which adds to Interstate Bakeries chest of credibility. Elesser believes that â€Å"Brand power† is the company’s â€Å"competitive advantage† when it comes to winning market share5Read MoreHigh School At The Salem Applebee s As A Hostess862 Words   |  4 Pagesnot able to cope with my situation. I had a severe eating disorder, and was hospitalized after my second suicide attempt. After finishing my treatment I started attending G.E.D. prep courses and began working for at the South Salem Applebee’s as a hostess. I took my G.E.D. tests in May of 2005, and earned an Honors G.E.D. I continued to work for Applebee’s and in this position I was able to excel. I quickly was training other employees, and receiving excellent reviews on evaluations and inspectionsRead MoreOlive Garden Case Analysis Essay957 Words   |  4 Pagesexpecting to be greeted with a friendly smile and great customer service. This was not the case. Instead, Mr. Wallace was not greeted by any host/hostess, but instead an empty station. After waiting about ten minutes, he went to the bar to find someone to seat him and his family. Only then did a hostess take them to their table and appeared to be annoyed. The hostess tried to seat them in a section that was not possible for Mr. Wallace’s father to get to easily since he is handicapped. After a short conversationRead MoreFemale Characters In Beowulf890 Words   |  4 PagesWealhtheow and Hygd, Hildeburh and Freawaru, Thyrth and Grendel’s mother, the women play various roles and reinforce the limits of female autonomy differently. The women can be categorized in to three separate groups, women as peaceweaver’s, women as hostess and women as monsters. The women who are classed as peaceweaver’s are princess Hildeburh and Freawaru, these women are known as peaceweavers as they were married off to the enemy in order to keep peace among the rivals, these marriages were forcedRead More The Role of Women in Homers The Odyssey Essay695 Words   |  3 PagesThe Role of Women in Homers The Odyssey Women form an important part of the folk epic, written by Homer, The Odyssey. Within the story there are three basic types of women: the goddess, the seductress, and the good hostess/wife. Each role adds a different element and is essential to the telling of the story. The role of the goddess is one of a supernatural being, but more importantly one in a position to pity and help mortals. Athena, the goddess of wisdom,Read MoreThe Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare972 Words   |  4 Pageswaiting on her husband to return. Her only job, it seems, is to to be the hostess and wait on her husband and the King. Even in her attempts to â€Å"unsex† herself the job of hostess is always assigned to Lady Macbeth throughout the whole play. In the beginning of the play she is to be a hostess for King Duncan and his court when they arrive at her house. Even when Macbeth becomes king and she queen, we see her in the place of a hostess. In act 3 Scene 4, Macbeth introduces himself and his queen and says

Poverty in Canada Relative Poverty Measurement Essay

Poverty is an ongoing problem in Canada. Poverty is defined as the inability to obtain the necessities for life . Despite poverty being an ongoing problem, how to properly measure it is disputed among scholars. There are two basic formations for the measurement of poverty: the relative measurement and the absolute measurement. In Canada they are called the low income cut off, or LICO, measurement and the market basement measure, or MBM, measurement. The LICO measurement is individuated to Canada whereas the MBM measurement is a worldwide standard. Of the two the LICO measurement of poverty is most relevant for Canadian politicians. This because a relative measurement allows for policy makers to understand poverty based upon what it means†¦show more content†¦The LICO defines some as improvised if they spend 62% or more of their yearly income on necessary goods . Absolute poverty measurements are based upon a worldwide standard. They measure if a person is too able to earn enough money to satisfy the basic needs of individuals . This formation therefore looks at deprivation since it looks to see if you have enough to survive. Additionally this standard is a worldwide standard of what it expected to be needed by individuals to survive. Thus the absolute poverty measuring is a more fixed and world standard of measuring poverty. The Canadian version of this measurement is the MBM. It defines poverty as anyone who has a yearly income below the market basement, the amount that is defined as the minimum needed to have the access to the most basic necessities of life . The basement though will change as newer technological advances are deemed necessary for basic living . In 1988 this poverty line the market basement was $20,230 for a four person family. This is â€Å"roughly half of the LICO†¦ poverty line incomes† The big difference between the two measures is the understanding of necessity. The MBM looks to see what life is like living at the bare minimum requirements. It looks to see if what would happen if you bought only that was required and nothing else. This is different from the LICO measurement which looks to see if Canadians have enough income after necessities are purchased to live like a Canadian. ItShow MoreRelatedThe Social Issue Of Canada1087 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Canada is regarded as one of the wealthiest industrialized countries in the world. This indication is contrary to the well-being reality affecting Canadians. Despite being part of the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD), Canada has lagged behind her otherwise wealthy counterparts in the industrialized countries being position 19 out of 22 nations (Breznitz and Zysman, 2013). This has been attributed to the precarious levels of poverty in a majority of Canadian householdsRead MoreEconomic Development Of A Country s Economy Essay812 Words   |  4 PagesWe often classify countries and areas in the world by how developed they are, but this is term is relative, depending on your measurement. There are many factors that count towards a country’s economy that is difficult to quantify. The popular measurements for economic development are Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is the value of all the recognized goods and services produced in a country in a specifi c period of time usually a year, and Gross National Income (GNI), quantified by the summationRead MoreConventional Wisdom Dictates That Improving Agricultural Productivity951 Words   |  4 Pagesproductivity, either through irrigation projects or the introduction of genetically modified crops, is the key step in ending rural poverty in sub-Saharan poverty. Our research overturns this assumption. By using a global poverty map and standard soil productivity measures, we find that the regions in sub-Saharan Africa with better soil quality actually experience higher rates of poverty. Our dataset consisted of 5334 subnational units from 46 sub-Saharan African countries. For soil quality, we used a seven-dimensionRead MoreDesertification As A Global Problem1138 Words   |  5 Pagesand the numerous environmental problems of dry lands are over 250 million, and more than one billion people in over 100 countries are at risk (â€Å"Desertification as a global problem† 1). Additionally, desertification tends to affect communities in poverty, thus international cooperation and sharing of global resources is required to solve the issue. The UNCCD was entered into force in 1996 in order to address sustainable land management through restoring land and soil productivity and reducing theRead MoreLimitation of National Income4235 Words   |  17 Pagesthe twenty five nations of the European Union. Ireland has made huge strides in improving her relative standard of living. In 1994 Ireland’s GDP per capita was just 84% of the EU average but extremely rapid economic growth allowed the Irish economy to surge past the EU15 average in 1999 and this progress has been maintained. In contrast, Germany’s relatively slow growth has seen erosion in her relative advantage in living standards – from a level 10% above the EU average in 1994 to a level only 3%Read MoreSocial And Economic Policy Decisions Impact Income Equality3504 Words   |  15 Pagesnet worth shrink by 150 percent (Flavelle, 2014). With this new report, it challenges the idea that suggests Canadians are getting wealthier laterally (Flavelle, 2 014). This paper will examine how poverty is linked to poor health and argue the profound health consequences of the growing inequality in Canada. Recommendations for addressing this concern will also be made. There is a well-established gradient of health in which people who are in the lowest income group have worse health than people whoRead MoreDiscourse on Aboriginal Health Care7025 Words   |  29 Pagesregarding the inequalities facing aboriginal peoples living on reserves in the northwestern corner of Ontario. Inequality is not naturally occurring; poverty is not an innate cultural trait that accumulates at the feet of the marginalized (Schick St.Denis, 2005, p.304). Stephens, Nettleton and Porter stated in the Lancet (2005) â€Å"Aboriginal people in Canada suffer enormous inequalities in health and in accessibility to health care (p.4).† The discussion will review the discourse surrounding the significantRead MoreLife On New Planet : Life1575 Words   |  7 PagesLife on New Planet 1 Life on New Planet Ehsan Rahmanian POG 214 Pro. Dr. Patricia O’Reilly Life on New Planet 2 Introduction: The debate about the relative merits of exploring space with humans and robots is as old as the space program itself. There are some arguments that are advanced in any discussion about the utility of space exploration and the roles of humans and robots. Those arguments in roughly ascending order of advocate support are the following: 1.Read MoreMinimum Wage6018 Words   |  25 Pageswage.) Since the minimum wage is set in nominal terms, its real value declines as prices rise until Congress raises the wage floor again, creating the sawtooth pattern evident in Chart 1. ? As shown in the chart, the minimum wage fell dramatically relative to the average manufacturing wage during the 1980s, prompting one-third of the states to impose state minimum wages above the federal level. Over time, Congress has greatly expanded the coverage of the FLSA, and almost 90 percent of workers now mustRead MoreThe Impact of Nafta on Mexicos Trade and Growth: an Econometric Exploration2757 Words   |  12 Pagesagreement between Mexico, Canada and the United States has been a major mechanism to open the Mexican economy to both trade and foreign investment. NAFTA, however was not the first nor the only institutional change aimed at expanding trade and inducing growth in Mexico. Two Mexican administrations, those of de la Madrid and C. Salinas de Cortari, implemented substantial unilateral trade liberalization policies before NAFTA. These paper studies, among others, what has been the relative importance of these

Both Wikipedian and American free essay sample

My first best friend is someone who edits my essays. My second best friend is my computer. My third best friends are the nameless, faceless editors of Wikipedia. My battles are not fought with pens or swords, but with the â€Å"Block User† button. I am not your stereotypical boy-genius-inventor-person, but I have always felt the need to create, to transform raw words into something usable. To spread the things I have learned, from my teachers and books, to others. Wikipedia has been the perfect medium for my facts: uncensored, gritty freedom. I typed the last line of code, frantically running through the lessons taught in my years of Writers’ Workshop. This was not a report destined to die in a folder on my teacher’s desk. This piece was real. Quickly, in the same way I would tear a bandage off my brother’s leg, I hit â€Å"Enter†. My words were set free into the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Both Wikipedian and American or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Free for other people to read, edit, and vandalize. The change snuck through the spam filters. It infiltrated my words, twisting them until the meaning was unintelligible. A proverbial dingo stole my baby. When I found my article, many months and edits afterward, my original words were unchanged. Except for one sentence: â€Å"A diazotroph is an organism that is able to grow without external sources of applesauce.† If I didn’t know that it was biologically-impossible hyperbole, I would say that my heart imploded. I wasn’t overcome with an excess of emotion, though. Vengeance was my plan. I moused to the Talk page to mark my anonymous editor as a vandal. The page was filled with edits and re-edits. People who knew me as a username on their screen had semi-protected my article. They left me notes, citations I could use or questions they had so I could improve my writing. I returned to my article and changed â€Å"applesauce† to â€Å"fixed nitrogen†, healing another casualty in the war against misinformation. As an avowed empirical cynic, I have always believed that society tends towards entropy. However, Wikipedia works on an opposite principle. Wikipedians â€Å"empower and engage people around the world to collect and develop educational content under a free license or in the public domain and [†¦] disseminate it effectively and globally.† This mission statement recalls the oft-restated quote of Benjamin Franklin. After exiting the Constitutional Convention, a group of citizens approached Franklin and asked him about the government he had created. Franklin replied, â€Å"A republic, if you can keep it†. Both America and Wikipedia depend on the goodwill of their users (and citizens) for their continued success. And though the freedom of both can be twisted by those intending harm (Applesauce and the Westboro Baptist Church come to mind), in my experience, truth always prevails. I hope to enter the real world of adulthood with the same manifesto: the triumph of truth over all. Given the current level of world harmony (religious conflict, corruption, environmental disasters, weapons of mass destruction, plus the perpetual problem of jocks beating up nerds and nerds firing them twenty years in the future) this may seem hard to believe. But these issues have one underlying problem: a lack of understanding and knowledge. With Wikipedian and American ideals of freedom, I believe that there can be a world where all human beings can freely share all knowledge. I believe in the truth.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

California High Speed Rail free essay sample

Most importantly this track covers 7 important airports up North and down South. It is expected that the train will run at a maximum of 220 mph and will be able to come to Los Angeles from San Francisco in 2 hours and 40 minutes. That is something what California need, rather than cursing in traffic on I-5 which moves at 40mph on rush hour. California already have railway by likes of AmTrak and MetroLink. But these are not really linked or works throughout the state efficiently. It will take at least half a day to Sacramento via a train.The new proposed High speed railway is supposed to eliminate all these problems at a low cost green theme, and hoping to increase links between the cities. The system would be fully electric and will be powered by solar and wind power built along with the Railway system. . The rails would be 800 miles long when finished, while they will be built in separate portions from 2012 to 2030. The main phase contains the link between San Francisco to Los Angeles expected to be built by 2020. The rest of the 300 miles would be completed by 2030 for the complete proposed system.This 21st century state of the art new system got its initial funding of $9. 95 billion initial funding from Prop. 1A. It’s estimated that total cost would be around US $45 billion although many suspect that it would get closer to $50 billion or more when finished. The initial environmental reports were done in late 2005 and the implementation plan suggested it would take around 8 to 11 years for the implementation of this plan for the initial segment. With more funds coming it’s way, and the last funding made was for $300 million on May 9th, 2011, The 1st test run segment is expected to begin constructions by September, 2012.This would be from Madera to Wye Junction in Bakersfield. It’s expected to be completed by 2015 with all the test runs and researches. This project is the most beneficial project in the short run and in the long run for California at the moment. It creates lots of advantages, direct and indirect. The first and foremost benefit is that the construction is expected to create around 150,000 construction jobs and around 450,000 jobs through the commuter system. All of these will be fulfilled by California residents. The money will be kept inside the state. This would hugely help the unemployment in the state.Considering These 150,000 people will pay tax and some having families, this will be a huge boost on state economy. After the system is created, there would be job opportunities for maintenance, constructions, commuter system, and many indirect jobs created around the system such as shops and taxi services. Public would be able to travel faster and cheaper through this system. Rather than paying the airlines around $200 for a one way trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles, they would be able to get away with about 1/6th of the price, at 2 times the time.With less security measures for trains rather than for an airplane, the waiting lines wouldn’t be long, and the system is expected to have trains as often as 5 minutes in between in rush hour. The job opportunities would be widely available and open as travelling becomes easier. With reduced price of tickets people would travel more in the state. With most people opting out for cheaper and faster high speed rail, state expects less traffic on freeways and on air. Huge time savings are expected from this High speed rail. California High Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) expects around 8 millions commuters per year by 2030. This will generate a great revenue for the state. With the tax money from the newly created jobs, saved maintenance costs on other public transports, are additional revenue. With 1/3rd of energy required to run a normal train, and all those energy mainly coming from wind mills and solar power we are looking at huge savings in the state. Environmental pollution will be significantly less. Trains will run on electricity majorly from solar panels and wind mills. The train requires 1/5th of the fuel that of an airplane requires. Many people adapting to high speed rail means less people on airplanes and on road. A train is supposed to carry around 1000 passengers. This means fewer cars on the road. The amount of emissions will be less and our carbon footprint is expected to go down. According to CHSRA calculations, California high speed rail will cut down 12. 7 million barrels of oil imports, and 12 billion lbs less green house emissions per year. There are doubts about the figure of commuters per year. 8 million is not realistic as per some reviews. CHSRA is already optimistic on the number. Granted that this is estimated by 2030, they still argue there would be a significant less figure for the real value.If it’s the case, the benefits would get lower too. The reviews also think that there would be more trouble getting into the trains as for the facilities to get around the 24 high-speed railway stations are not at the top notch. Some predict it will take the same time as getting into a local flight. The railway system would take more time during the actual travel time as it is not on high speed rail for the whole time. Part of the system would contain some existing rail tracks. This will definitely slow down the rail to the current speeds we have. And at 220 mph full potential there have been no test about the safety.The risk of vulnerability is high and even though risk assessments to passengers and property have been done extensively, they are always not ample enough to measure until a real life situation. CHSRA report expects to reduce congestion by high speed rail . There estimate is by 2030 there would be 70 million less drivers on road. With the project already suggested around 3000 freeway miles, new airport runaways to accommodate the high speed rail, and considering that one should arrive at the limited number of rail stations, this figure is not realistic. With more vehicles on the road than expected, it won’t be as green as it is expected. The wind and solar power would not be a solid supply throughout the year and it is still doubtful whether it will be sufficient enough to provide the needed power. The backup power source is Coal power plants. That is as dark as it can get. Many question the likelihood of public using the train system. There are many individuals who would prefer their own transport rather than public transport. Even though it would be cheaper and faster to reach destinations, the convenience of one’s own transport is a great consideration. This would impact the expected 8 million commuters per year figure badly. The estimated $45 billion cost is one of the major factors. It won’t reap any revenues until the 1st phase is finished which is due 2020. State is looking at spending around $35 billion for 9 years without any direct revenue. This is going to hurt the budget. And to cover this figure we are looking at a $50 train ticket. High-speed rail system should have arrived California at least a decade ago. Oil price is going up, having trouble with environment and pollution, lots of time waste on freeways, and without a convenient middle solution to travel anywhere in the state, it makes a perfect daily solution for everyone out there. This rail does not essentially mean its only passenger based. Railway is the most economical way of transporting goods. Combined with its speed this serves well for mail services and small package services. There was never an easy way to get to San Francisco in 3 hours from Los Angeles. Even if you take a flight, with the checking in and boarding times, it came close to the same time. Given that railway is ground transport, there can be more development around this rail tracks or its stations. Starting from constructions, it can be developed into trade zones or industrial zones. It would be ideal along the central valley for the industrial zones. Less residential zones, perfect environment conditions, fast transport, and cheap real estate make it perfect for the new investments. Over the time people would look more into the public transportation. It will take it’s time to adopt into California, as it’s a new experience for the public. The job opportunities created would be a great asset and a help to California. The money spent will stay in California as the workers are from California itself. It comes back as tax, goods, and services.