
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Euthanasia essay Essay

For several years, euthanasia has been a subject of controversy. Euthanasia is a fairly new problem for the United States and has gained a horrible reputation from negative media publicity surrounding the issue. According to a website: Euthanasia also known as mercy killing is a way of painlessly terminating one’s life with the â€Å"humane† motive of ending suffering. Euthanasia came into the public eye recently during the Terri Schiavo controversy where her husband appealed for euthanasia while Terri’s family claimed differently. This is a classical case, shedding light on the pros and cons of mercy killing. (â€Å"Pros and Cons†) Many claim the betrayal of God’s right to control the human life and state that the legalization of euthanasia is the legalization of murder. However, people that are opposed to euthanasia are thinking how the death of a terminally ill patient would affect them, not how it affects the person that is sick. If there is no other way to relieve the suffering of terminally ill patients, then the more humane option to suicide is euthanasia. Euthanasia has a purpose and should be evaluated as humanely filling a void created by our inhumane society. Terminally ill patients already feel that they are deprived of all rights. However, many adversaries are not in favor of a patient’s right to die, it may seem heartless to consider the financial burden of keeping a patient alive against the patient’s will. Smith states, â€Å"that the cost of chemotherapy is deemed an unjustified expense for the government to pay due to the limited time it would provide. However, the governm ent informed the terminally ill patient that they will gladly pay for euthanasia† (Smith). By the article stating this quote, then if a patient has already told family members that they wish to die and discontinue the burden of the patient’s family members, euthanasia should be permissible. Even criminals have a right for their last wish. A website states, â€Å"Legalizing euthanasia would help alleviate suffering of the terminally ill patients. It would be inhuman and unfair to make them endure the unbearable  pain† (â€Å"Pros and Cons†). It is the physician’s duty to fulfill the last wish of terminally ill patients. If the person’s will is rejected, one might try to commit the act of suicide. Euthanasia is often mistaken or associated with assisted suicide. Doctors now have the technology and the skills to anticipate natural death almost indefinitely. A website article states, â€Å"In an attempt to provide medical and emotional care, a doctor does and should prescribe medicines that will relieve suffering even if the medications cause side effects. Euthanasia follows the same theory of dealing with suffering in a way to help one die peacefully† (â€Å"Pros and Cons†). There is a distinctive difference between euthanasia and assisted suicide. Euthanasia is the ability to die with dignity, while assisted suicide is assisting one to commit suicide. Euthanasia happens when a physician or other healthcare provider does something, such as administering a known lethal dose of a drug with the patient’s consent. Physician-Assisted Suicide is where the terminally ill patient’s request a prescription for a fatal dose of a drug which they can administer to themselves at a time of their choosing. Ernst and Mennie had stated in an article that â€Å"both euthanasia and assisted suicide force someone else to end your life. The job of the health care professional is to maintain and enhance life, not end it† (Ernst and Mennie). However, when one thinks of the job of the health care professional it is to add quality and meaning to one’s life. In some situations, when there is a terminally ill patient that will never be able to have quality or meaning in their life wouldn’t it be the duty of the physician to suggest euthanasia so one may die with dignity. The first priority in the care of patients facing severe pain as a result of a terminal illness or chronic condition should be the relief of their pain. A website states, â€Å"Palliative care can control nearly all pain; when it can’t, doctors can administer palliative care sedation that allows the patient to die a natural death without experiencing horrible symptoms† (Erst and Mennie). Many adversaries of euthanasia have feared that the increasing technology that doctors have now might lead to the abuse of euthanasia. Most people today support the rights of terminally ill patients to end their pain through euthanasia. A website states, â€Å"In case of individuals suffering from incurable diseases or in conditions where effective treatment wouldn’t affect their quality of life; they should be given the liberty to  choose euthanasia† (â€Å"Pros and Cons†). This issue has been a personal experience for me after seeing my grandfather at death’s door for over 17 months, waking up in his feces and urine, and begging God to let him die. If euthanasia was legalized, maybe he would have had the choice to die with dignity. Terminally ill patients should have the right to choose euthanasia. There has been much controversy over euthanasia in the past several years and is likely to remain a controversial subject because of the disapproval from many religious groups and the medical profession. Religious groups as well as the medical profession agree that doctors are not required to use extraordinary measures to prolong the life of the terminally ill. The government should legalize euthanasia because it is important in protecting the structure of the United States. Euthanasia should remain a choice and should be legalized. The right to choose euthanasia should not be restricted by other’s opinions and should be based on the individual’s right to die with dignity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How far did America achieveprosperity in the 1920s? Essay

The 1920s was a time of great change in the USA’s economic situation. After the First World War, America experienced an economic boom, which led to the state of society changing by vast differences. These differences were also apparent in the way that the change effected different people in different situations. The number of people living below the bread line in 1928 increased to an estimated forty-two percent of the American population, however this was during the same period that the number of Americans owning cars was around one car to every five people. Therefore, there is great controversy over to what extent the USA achieved prosperity in the 1920s. Prosperity is a word that is used to describe affluence and wealth within a country. Estimating the rate at which a country experiences prosperity during a period would reveal hoe rich and well off that country was at the time. Many factors contribute and deduct from the prosperity of America during this period, as it is therefore difficult to say how far the current wealth of the country spread within all areas of society. Factors that would state that America’s prosperity spread throughout the nation during the 1920s include the new industries and new industrial methods of the time, mass marketing of new products and the motorcar industry. However, contradicting these areas of American industry include the farming situation at the time, overpopulation of the country, USA’s black population, new immigrants to the country and people involved in old industries. During the 1920s, new industries and new methods of production spread through American manufacturing. It was able to exploit it’s vast natural resources of raw materials to produce steel, chemicals, glass and machinery. These products then became the foundation for secondary industries- or consumer goods. Telephones, radios, vacume cleaners, and washing machines were mass-produced and therefore more people could afford them. Such an example shows hoe America was developing well as an industrial nation, and reveals how the people of the country were now able to buy consumer goods, which before were they were unable to afford. Within this same period, big industries were developing advertising and marketing techniques. Advertising companies were a resultant factor, and came about as groups developed their ideas of propaganda developed during World War One and applied them to industry. This aspect of American society is further evidence for how the USA was favouring the consumer aspect of living in the early twentieth century. Perhaps the most significant contribution to showing how all areas of America succeeded in achieving prosperity in the 1920s is the motor car industry. In 1900, only four thousand cars were built. By 1929, four million, eight hundred thousand were made- indeed it was believed that a Ford Model- T was completed every ten seconds. By 1928, the industry was America’s most successful, and employed hundred of thousands employees directly, and yet more indirectly. The car had vast impacts on the rest of American industry. The businesses supplying raw materials required to make a car also prospered at a similar rate. More glass, rubber and steel were required; boosting these areas of industry. Furthermore, increased amounts of petrol were required, and more people found employment- building miles of roads across the country to cater for the increased amount of traffic. The car industry also stimulated the housing industry. It meant that more people were able to buy homes away from the cities in the suburbs, and commute on a daily basis into town. This factor, I feel was the most important cause to America’s successful spread of prosperity in the 1920s. Apposed to these views, numerous factors exist which show evidence against the notion of America’s wealth in the 1920s being nationwide, and influencing every area of society. A clear example of an industry, and therefore it’s people, which did not benefit from this time is farming. The average farm income fell from twenty- two billion dollars in 1919, to thirteen billion dollars in 1928. This was largely due to the European market. During the war, American has shipped millions of tons off grain to Europe. However, the war also bankrupted Europe, meaning few people could afford American goods. Furthermore, the Republican tax on American goods was still in place, resulting in Europe sill unable to afford American produce. From 1900 to 1920, while farms were doing quite well, more and more land was being farmed. Improved machinery, especially combine harvesters and improved fertilisers made US agriculture extremely efficient. The result was that by 1920 it was producing surpluses of wheat, which nobody wanted. Farming communities were devastated as farms struggled to sell wheat, even at extremely low prices. The extent of this hardship is shown when it is realised around half of all Americans lived in rural areas. Mostly working on farms or in businesses that sold goods to farms. Therefore, this problem directly affected millions of people. As the farm income fell, the situation of many rural communities was desperate. It is clear when looking at the effects American prosperity had on it’s Black and new immigrant populations that current American wealth did not reach all areas of people. The black population was badly hit. They held the tradition of holding the least skilled jobs in rural areas. As they lost their jobs on the farms, three quarters of a million of them became unemployed. The majority of farming families remained very poor throughout the 1920s, meaning that they did not see the technological advances of the time- including electricity, cars and radios. New immigrant to the country at this time did not receive the great welcome of a liberated country they had all hoped. They faced discrimination in the work place, and took whatever work they could- partly because they were generally uneducated as other workers. A large number worked in the construction industry where, at the time, there was a big boom. However, despite this increase in the industries size, the average was only rose by four percent in the 1920s, because the immigrants were a source of cheap labour, and more work was becoming mechanised- resulting the lack of need for labourers. The unemployment rate within new immigrants rose throughout the decade. Older industries were undergoing modernisation. Some industries such as steel, for which there was a boom, benefited from general expansion. However, in others, particularly the raw materials industries- cotton, coal, tin and copper- were suffering. There was an overproduction in these industries, prices dropped and wages fell. From looking at this evidence, it is clear that the prosperity and affluence of the USA in the 1920 was highly apparent. However, it is also clear that it did not reach all areas of society. Therefore, it is justified to say that prosperity during this period was partial- as not everyone was buying cars, radios and other consumer goods. It is vital to remember that during a boom period, it is difficult to spread the wealth of the country evenly- due to the determination for personal gain, not for equality.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Nutrition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Nutrition - Essay Example The council set a daily allowance of 15 milligrams oral intake for males, 19 milligrams for females and 9 milligrams for infants. Zinc is absorbed in the ileum and the jejunum where control mechanism of the body makes it complicated to take in too much of zinc. The function of zinc can be catalytically, structural or regulatory. Some enzymes in the body depend on zinc for them to catalyze important chemical reaction in the body. Finger proteins of zinc have been found to control expressions of gene from its transcription function. It has also been found that zinc influence the release of hormones and impulse transmission of the nerves. It also plays an important role in the cell membrane and protein structures in the body. Red meats like beef, shellfish and other seafoods, eggs, lamb, nuts, whole grains, yoghurt and nuts are good sources of zinc. However, one may also get zinc from supplements. Deficiency of zinc may cause delay healing in wounds, enlargement of the prostate glands, neuropsychiatric abnormalities, diarrhea and alopecia. Severe zinc deficiency may cause mood change, taste and smell dysfunction, anorexia and cognitive impairment. Infants who suffer from deficiency of zinc are irritable and hard to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Health Priorities in Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Priorities in Australia - Essay Example These areas may have a level of overlap within the six priority areas which have been defined therefore it is important to understand these areas on their own before the priority overlaps between them can be discussed. The NHPA (National Health Priority Areas) themselves were created as a response to global agenda put forward by the WHO (World Health Organisation) which was to focus on those areas which make up the majority of patient cases around the world (Browne et. al., 2000). The priority areas for Australian health are overseen by the National Health Priority Action Council (NHPAC) that is made up of commonwealth, state, regional as well as local governments (AIHW, 2005). There are two primary objectives the NHPAC looks at before considering any health related problem as a priority areas. First, the NHPAC examines whether making a health issue a priority objective could significantly contribute towards lessening the burden of illness and injury on Australians. Second, the NHPAC sees if the area to be focused on will improve health related issues and if it will decrease the burden on our health system which is due to the diseases included in the priority area (AIHW, 2005). It is important to note that the NHPA did not start with the seven priority areas mentioned above because it shows that the NHPA is not a static body. Rather, like other scientific organisations, it is looking towards expanding itself and improving its position through active research and analysis which shows how the addition of a priority area can be beneficial for public health. Historically speaking, the NHPA initiative began with only four areas i.e. cardiovascular health, cancer control, injury prevention and mental health (AIHW, 2005). With time, Diabetes was added to the priority areas in 1997 with asthma being added in 1999 and musculoskeletal issues being added in 2002. It is clear that the government is not picking diseases randomly from the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Kmart Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Kmart - Research Paper Example The two corporations had specific strategies and functions as they moved into independent concepts. However, after merging, different ideologies and propositions became the main function of the corporations. K-mart began as a company in the United States in 1899 as one of the first retail and merchandising super centers, owned by Sebastian Kresge. The store was opened in Detroit and was then known as a five and dime super store, which meant that everything sold in the shop was available at a lower price of five or 10 cents. By 1912, the concept of Kresge led to more than 85 stores opened in Detroit and led to sales of over $10 million annually. By the time the Great Depression came, Kresge could sustain his business because of the stores that expanded beyond the financial failures, specifically by offering more jobs and convenient prices. The main philosophy is to provide quality products with affordable prices. The newer store fronts opened in 1920, which included opening stores that sold everything for less than $1 as well as green front stores, which provided other types of low cost items (Kmart, 2010). The main strategy of offering low prices for different items continued to emerge through the 1930s as other competitors began to move into the store front, specifically with retail items. Kmart had been in existence for a longer time which gave it an advantage of excelling as the top promotional retailer. In 1960, the change came from the new CEO, Henry Cunningham, who opened the first official Kmart in Garden City. The expansion led to 17 new stores as well as $483 million in annual profit. The main focus was to provide lower retail prices as well as to emerge into a super store, which provided almost every type of product in one store for convenience. By the mid–1960s, Kmart had over 753 stores and made $1 billion in annual profit. The main accomplishment was the launch of the first set of super stores that led to over 17 million

Friday, July 26, 2019

Police Officers Injuries related to work and what ii the solution Essay

Police Officers Injuries related to work and what ii the solution - Essay Example This is mainly evidence with patrol police officers who receive injuries or meet their deaths when they are outside their patrol vehicles. Arguably, few professionals experience the injury threats that police officers face during their careers. Health workplace is the key to any effective and successful law enforcement department. The department of police should understand that healthy police officers who work under safety and healthy workplaces are able to better perform their duties and serve the community effectively. The department executives must ensure that police agencies support the police officers’ safety and healthy. For, instance, the department of police should incorporate adequate measures to protect the employees from the adverse threats, which they face during their operations (Gundersen and Robert 62). Police executives should ask several questions to ensure the police officers’ wellbeing is fully protected (Ball 47). For example, what are the basic health and safety measures should the police department ensures to its employees? During large-scale epidemics, such as fighting against a terrorist group, which are the appropriate safety and health measures to ensure the police officers are healt hy and are able to undertake their duties? What benefits should the police officers derive from the health and safety program? This essay aims at explaining the types of injuries, police officers face during the line of duty and the appropriate safety and health programs that police department should implement (Gundersen and Robert 65). The paper also purports to provide some considerations for strengthening the current safety and health programs. This document begins with explaining the various types of injuries, police officers face related to their duties (Ball 49). It further proposes several health and safety programs that police departments should implement and explaining their benefits and stressing that it is only through the

Critically think about the drop in crime in the US at the end of the Essay

Critically think about the drop in crime in the US at the end of the nineties - Essay Example There was another hypothesis developed that the drop in crime rate was due to the introduction of the Three Strikes Law. This allocation provided that any felony criminal who was arrested on a third offence would be sentenced to life imprisonment (Rushefsky, 2007, 535). The first of the states to allot this was the State of Washington, subsequent steps to continue with this step taking place in Colorado, Arkansas, Nevada and so on. This practice has led to a general reduction in the rate of crime n the United States, with the year 2010 being the safest moments of all. With the homicide division having the lowest record of crime, there has been a decline in other divisions such as violent crimes, rape and robbery. (Press 2010, 135) In conclusion, there are two hypotheses describing the decline in the rate of crime in the United States. The introduction of the Three Strikes Law and the legalization of abortion have contributed to the decline in crime in the United States (Wilensky, 2002, 235). However, there has also been overall improvement in the administration of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Bandura Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bandura - Essay Example Bandura has provided a framework for the understanding of behavior of individuals through his social learning theory, which has recently been renamed as the social cognitive theory. Bandura clearly suggests that human behavior is learned, and that this learning process is through observation. This process of human learning can be seen in his own words â€Å"Of the many cues that influence behavior, at any point in time, none is more common than the actions of others†. (Bandura, 1986, p.206). The social cognitive theory explains overt behavior displayed by an individual in terms of the motivational factors and the self-regulatory mechanisms involved in the behavior of the individual. This theory implies that human behavior is a result of a learning process. This learning according to the theory is called observational learning. This learning process need not be the result of self-experiences, but through vicarious learning, by observing the behavior of others, and the consequences of their behavior. This focus on learning through observation is the unique and distinctive feature of Bandura’s theory. According to Bandura most human behavior is the result of learning through example either intentionally or by accident, and then patterning behavior on what has been learnt. The advantage of this learning process is that unnecessary errors are eliminated. The strength of Bandura’s theory is that it is founded on observations made, has been proven through objecti ve experiments with children. Many of the children behavior patterns mimic those of their parents, and is the result of observed learning of the behavioral patterns of the parents and the benefits that it offers. Bandura postulates that there are four component processes that act within the observer at the time of exposure to a model of behavior. The initial component is the attentional process. Unless attention is paid by the subject to the model observational learning does not take place, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The pursuit of sexuality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The pursuit of sexuality - Essay Example Sexual objectification, the act of treating a person as a mere instrument of sexual gratification, is perhaps the single most dominant and recurring theme in gender studies; in this regard, sexual objectification entails disregarding a person’s dignity, or personality, and often takes place at the societal level. Feminists have always regarded the concept of sexual objectification, especially women objectification, not only as intolerable, but also as a significant cause of gender inequalities in society (Papadaki, 2007 p.330). The concept of sexual objectification has always been a contentious issue that has fascinated critics over the years, especially in areas such as sexual ethics and philosophies of sex, leading to varied views regarding the origins of sexual objectification. Social commentators have recently observed that many women in contemporary societies often objectify themselves as a sign of their found freedoms and empowerment over their male counterparts. Other s ocial commentators have also argued that men too, have fallen victims of objectification in contemporary societies due to the increased freedom for women, gay and bisexual men in society. However, social commentators also agree that sexual objectification, particularly of women, has origins in the intricate relationship between the genders in society; in this case, because gender roles are social constructs, gender plays a very significant role in the sexual objectification of women. Women have been the unfortunate victims of objectification over the years because society has often looked down upon their personal and intellectual abilities and capabilities of females. Many societies have unintentionally reduced the worth or role of women to that of a mere object or instrument of sexual pleasure to be used for the entertainment of the men. Pervasive sexual images of women have often dominated the mainstream media such as advertising, and art in general (Harper & Tiggemann 2008, p.649 ), and the sexually oriented depictions of the female gender have enforced the gendered objectification of the women even further. The role of gender in the objectification of women debate stems from the fact that women have often perceived themselves based on what labels they have been given in society; in that respect, women have often been judged based on their gendered social roles, which are typically feminine in nature, and based on their sexual attractiveness. Conventionally, looks or beauty in women have always been glorified over everything else because gender roles assigned to women are heavily dependent on their sexual attractiveness; beauty pageants or contests have focused on aesthetics as a bottom line for judging the worth of women. In this regard, the conventional gender roles assigned to females by virtue of their sexuality have led to the pervasive objectification of women in society. For this reason, women have traditionally been judged and valued based on their p hysical attributes; women’s understanding of the importance of their sexuality has pushed them to seek further enhancements of their sexual attractiveness through a variety of methods. By disregarding women’s capabilities and achievements in fields where men dominate because they are perceived to be exclusively masculine,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A case summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A case summary - Essay Example In October 2008, Siemens was ordered to pay a fine amounting to $284 million and convicted of funneling money. Corruption had steeped throughout the organization and the announcement of the amnesty plan led to low level employees coming forward with crucial information. By 2008, the head of the medical equipment division went on trial and the investigation expanded to include 270 former and current employees. There were various charges including the allegation that a former Siemens board member used Siemens money to support an employer friendly union to counter the Siemens worker union. By December 2008, Siemens agreed to pay a fine of $800 million to settle the charges and in July 2008, Siemens agreed to pay the World Bank $100 million for its role in bribing Russian officials. The ethical issue in this regard is the fact that Siemens used bribery as a method of obtaining contracts and bypassed the selection tests using money. This is unfair to other companies who competed for the same contracts using their merit and own abilities. It is against the free market policies and this practice gives an unfair advantage to Siemens. The culture of corruption had steeped through the company, from the top level executives to the lower level employees. There was a method to the corruption and this leads to Siemens becoming a company with absolutely no moral direction. Moreover, the sheer magnitude of the corruption suggests that all members of the company felt that the corruption wasn’t really an issue. A company blinded by profits and willing to compromise on such basic morals, would also compromise on the quality of the service they provide. Besides, since the selection is not done on the basis of merit and the best company might not have been necessarily selected, the quality of the work might be compromised as well. The safety of the people using the services provided by

Monday, July 22, 2019

Sociology concepts Essay Example for Free

Sociology concepts Essay The family’s influence on socialization has been decreasing on the recent past. The family plays a vital part in socialization. It is within the family that the basic personality, attitudes, values and moral ideas are laid down. It is upon this foundation that adult socialization is built. The socialization of a child is not only the function of the parents but also those of the extended family at large living with the child’s parents also participate as the socializing agent. The parent in conjunction with other socializing agents has the task of directing the behavioral development of the child towards the desired normative socially valued goals. While the parent is doing this he acts as a feedback mechanism of environmental information to his child, thus communicating messages to the child about what the parent sees as discrepancies in the child’s current behavior as he attempts to eliminate these discrepancies through training. But more immediately however, the parents’ training program is determined by his phenomenal field, a field in which environmental information is only one of several forces and may be muted in its effect on parental behavior. From general observation most parents use reward, punishment and instructions to shape the child’s behavior in the direction of social norms within the home and the environment. The child’s behavioral development goes on regardless of whether anyone is attempting to manipulate it to produce desirable habits. Maturational processes make new forms of behavior possible and the child is continuously interacting with his family members, experiencing gratification and frustration, suffering trauma and separation acquiring attachments and avoidances, observing the behavior of immediate family members, spontaneously imitating what he sees and developing pleasant and frightening fantasies and increasing differentiated patterns of thought and action. Parents usually begin to train their children the general domestic duties at about the age of six or seven years. As soon as the child is old enough and sensible enough to comprehend instructions, he starts to perform tasks by copying the activities of the family members. Various roles that used to be carried out by the family have been taken over by some agents such as counselors, media, peer groups, schools and many others. This roles includes but not limited to ; Training of children which is currently done in school while parents are busy working to raise some income. The other agents of socialization for a child include nursery or kindergarten schools, day care centers as well as primary and secondary schools and universities. Peer groups perform specific functions that include; Courtship – Role rehearsals such as courting behavior, sex-role adoption, and expression of aggression which among the role families used to play. Roles such as courting were mainly covered within the family circles but these days peers have had more influence. Peer group controls the affection, the approval and prestige accorded to the children. Because of this significant role, it performs important functions in the personality development of the child. They also play the role of inculcating new skills to children. Teachers also assume the role of parents and try to inculcate their values into the child. A child learns all kinds of skills from the teachers like technical skills and other skills that will shape and influence their future life. Role of shaping children behavior has been left to schools. Children are trained on how to become tolerant to each other and how to cope with difficult situations in life by becoming tolerant schools. Such changes will affect social relationships in our society because some of these agents might influence bad behaviors to the young children. Due to peer group influence a child can develop unacceptable behavior. The social relations in the society will be affected because as children mix up with others in schools they develop some unacceptable behaviors. The roles that have been taken by other socialization agents from the family have resulted to the coming of a culture that is not generally acceptable. The young generation which spends most of their time in schools away from their parents will develop behaviors that the elders do not prefer within the community. For example through peer group influence the young generation get exposed and influenced by the hip hop music, learning new characters that the old generation is against. Due to great exposure, influence of technology, peer group influence and the education gained by the young generation will not regard the views of their family members. Hence it will be difficult for the family to guide and shape the behavior of their young generation. REFERENCES Sullivan T. J. (2003) ; Sociology: concepts and applications in a diverse world; Addison-Wesley

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Light Vehicle Driveline System Faults

Light Vehicle Driveline System Faults The contents of a driveline system are clutch, transmission, shaft and wheel. It is an important part of a vehicle. Identifying and confirming the work requirement: the nature and objectives of the analysis and evaluation requirements are determined by the work instructions and reports used. Correct functioning of light vehicle driveline is accessed and interpreted. Throughout the work, equipments and social isolation requirements and personal protection needs are observed. Safety impacts of the work are responded according to the obligations and practices. There are also faults related to clutch, gear axle, wheel and it also has the remedies for it. Light Vehicle driveline system faults: Introduction: The contents of a driveline system are clutch, transmission, shaft, axle and wheel. It is an important part of a vehicle. It can be said as the controllable parts of the vehicle. The gear or the transmission is the system which boosts torque and power. The clutch is the system which controls the transmission if it runs out of control. The wheel is why the front tire rotates to the wish we want. If faults are found in these any parts, it must be inspected well and remedies must be taken immediately in order to prevent it from damages. Special remedies are mentioned below in some faults which can be rectified by a person if a little try is given. In several vehicles, problems may arise with the two system such as drive staffs and transmission system. The drivers are mostly concerned when transmission and driveline troubles arise. . However, it is very important to check out the causes before the replacement as it may be very expensive. The proper and systematic analysis and the evaluation of the right problem should be detected and then the actions for the repair must be undertaken. Main body Components of driveline system: Driveshaft: it is a component mechanically builds in order to transmit torque. It is generally used to connect components of a drive train which cannot be connected directly. It is so because of the distance. Clutch: This is a device which provides for the transmission of power from one module to another. The other module of the clutch is the brake. Clutch is used when the power of the transmission is to be controlled. It is employed with two rotating shafts. One shaft is attached to a power unit and the other provides output power. Gearbox: it is responsible in order to provide torque or speed to a device under gear ratio from arotating power source. In vehicles a gearbox is connected to the crankshaft of the engine. The output of the gearbox is transferred through driveshaft which in order rotates the wheel. Driving wheel: A turbine or a locomotiveà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s pistons drive the driving wheel. It is made of side rods coupling rods. Generally one rod straightly driven by the main rod and it is connected at the end of the piston rod. It is via the side rods, power is transmitted to the others. Axle: It is a main shaft for a gear. The axle is fixed to the wheels which rotates with them or fixed to the surrounding. Before bearing and bushings are provided at the mounting points where the axle is provided and today it resides under the hole of the wheel. The shaft rotates with the wheel. Identifying and confirming the work requirement: the nature and objectives of the analysis and evaluation requirements are determined by the work instructions and reports used. Correct functioning of light vehicle driveline is accessed and interpreted. Throughout the work, equipments and social isolation requirements and personal protection needs are observed. Safety impacts of the work are responded according to the obligations and practices. Dianne Christensen-Herman, Transmission and driveline troubleshoot, January 2011 Prepare for analysis and examination: examination procedure is made to meet the motive of the work. Analyzed information on board diagnostic systems is used to identify system performance achievement. To select from the available quantity of choice, diagnostic process, sequence. Tests and testing equipments are made. Important tools and materials are found out in order to support the diagnostic process and are also prepared to use. The components required for the driveline system are prepared which include park-up, isolation and cleaning. Implementing the methodology: the diagnostic course is to be followed with authorized methods and directions. Testing equipments are applied according to the requirements. Various findings found are analyzed and verified by using various processes. The results of the findings are fully examined according to the criteria. Valid and meaningful conclusions are made out of the available findings. Selecting response measure: materials which can be used again are collected and stored for further use. The testing equipments are preserved and taken care of for further use and the waste materials which are not required are put aside or removed from the place of work. According to the workplace procedure, the area and the equipments are cleaned and also inspected. Failure analysis and evaluation criteria are determined in order to rectify the faults and to effect variation in system characteristic. Light vehicles include both two wheelers and four wheelers. Driveline system consists of components like clutch, torque converter, manual transmission, automatic transmission drive shaft and final shaft. Module parts replacement and parts replacement is covered by the diagnostic. Driveline system faults includes abnormal gear wear, abnormal clutch operation, contamination, hard shifting, loose mounting etc. Testing equipments: testing equipments consists of systems like compound level, pressure gauge, millimeters, tachometers, and computerized diagnostic system. Tests are needed to conduct. Various tests included are lubricant inspection, pressure, road testing, sensor integrity and function, solenoid operation, wiring and power control ECU integrity. Information and procedure: Procedures of the work place are to be regulated in order to use the tooling and equipment. Procedures are to be followed for reporting and communication. Component specifications are to be analyzed for testing equipment and material. The design rules ro be followed must be the Australian design. The regulation of the vehicle industry is to be evaluated and regulated. When a constant nature of excitation is transmitted from the engine, the torsion response at various points is to be remained the same under various trails. A variation from the baseline response data is observed due to various minor cracks developed along the driveline. Clutch fault finding: When the clutch cable is broken. When the adjustment in the clutch cable is found incorrect, it is a symptom of clutch faults. Another symptom is that of releasing bearing of a broken clutch Faults also contains such as wrong adjustment of the clutch cable. Excessive clutch silk lining, contaminated clutch disc lining, faulty pressure plate are some other faults Diagnose and Rectify Motor Vehicle And Transmission and Driveline System Faults Gear faults: Liquid leakage: in automotive transmission the color of the liquid is usually deep red. These fluids should not be confused with the main fuel which can easily be transferred to the transmission area via air. Removing the built up dirt is firstly necessary from the transmission area using steam cleaning. Burned smell: it occurs when the engine is turned on at neutral transmission and also when the vehicle moves in neutral format. Driving wheels fault: There can be loose steering gear adjustments. It is than required to be adjusted to its specifications. It can also happen due to steering gear mounting loosen and the remedy for it is tightening of steering gear bolts The steering may sometimes be felt hard to be rotated especially it is observed in power steering and the reason behind is may be due to low tire pressure. Sometimes the wheel bearing may also be loose which must be replaced with the new ones. Drive shaft faults: Worn u-joints slip joint wear, or a faulty center support bearing are mostly the reasons for the noise found in drive shaft. Also grinding from the driveshaft may be caused by worn universal joints. The joint ends up being dry, causing the rollers to wear. Axle fault: It includes improper pinion bearing It also includes excessive gear tooth backlash variation Another fault is the pitch lineout run out And also cocked pinion bearing is a major fault. Homer Rahnejat, Steve Rothberg, multi-body dynamics-monitoring and stimulation techniques. Conclusion: In this projects highlight is made on the different light vehicle driveline system. It projects on how faults may occur and also what are those faults. For some of the unknown faults remedies are suggested. But still instead of trying hard and getting the matter more complicated, a thorough examination or inspection of the vehicleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s driveline system may help to sort out the problems more easily. A vehicle driveline system faults comprises of the drive shaft and transmission system. Several vehicle problems may take up due these systems and the early detection is very important to avoid heavy expenses. Check the transmission fluid with the help of dipstick. If the insufficient fluid in the transmission is observed, there is a probability of the leak. Determination of the cause is important before making the repair. If the vehicle is making noise while driving, this will indicate that the vehicle is running on low fuel level or dirty transmission fluid or may be clogged. The transmission filter should be changed.

Objective Of One Shot Coffee Shop Marketing Essay

Objective Of One Shot Coffee Shop Marketing Essay One Shot coffee shop is a new company that will be set at hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore. The One Shot coffee shop provide the coffee and the comfortable environment for the customer, One Shot coffee shop will be a partnership company and will beginning operation on December 30,2012. President of One Shot coffee shop is Mr. Wang and the vice president of One Shot coffee shop is Mr. Kun, vice president has a 45% share of the company, and president has a 55% share of the company. President of the company also is a CEO of the coffee shop, the CEO Manager the employees, and the vice president in charge with the goods supply. The location of the One Shot coffee shop is established at hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore, it is a century of Singapore, and the hotel also had a good sales, so it will take many customer to the One Shot coffee shop. 1.2The objective of One Shot coffee shop One Shot coffee shops objectives for the first year of  operations are: 1. Become selected as the Best New Coffee Bar in the area by the local restaurant guide. 2. Turn in profits from the first month of operations. 3. Maintain a 65% gross margin. 2.Vision and Mission 2.1 Vision A vision can be defined as an eye chart, sometimes also referred to as the Company in the picture, but it is so much more than this. Your vision statement is your inspiration, your strategic planning framework. An eye chart, can be applied to a single sector of the entire company or the company. Whether all or part of an organization, the eye chart to answer the question, Where we want to go? Become the leading branded coffee shops in the region to business casual, taking into account the mood of consumer. About three years to recover the total investment cost, and gradually began to profit. 2.2 Mission Mission statement is a statement of the purpose of company or organization its reason for existing. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization. spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making. It provides the framework or context within which the companys strategies are formulated. Hill, Ch, Jones, G. (2008) To become a leader in this industry and provide a stable and reasonable income for the owners of the place for investment. (2) The successful completion of the construction and development of the stores, and gradually withdraw the investment capital. 3.Product and service Product and service are when a firm offer a mix of both products and services, in compare to the traditional focus on products. As define by a marketable set of products and services capable of jointly fulfilling a users need. largely motivated by the need on the part of traditionally oriented manufacturing firms to cope with changing market forces and the recognition that services in combination with products could provide higher profits than product alone.Face with shrink markets and increased commercialization of their products, those firms saw service provision as a new path toward profits and growth. 3.1The main product and service Cappuccino With less milk than a latte, cappuccino offers a stronger espresso flavor and a luxurious texture. To make it properly require more skill and attentiveness. Arguably the most important things is frothing the foam to velvety perfection as the milk steams something One Shot coffee shop barrister take great care to achieve . The milk mous tache that clings to your upper lip is proof weve made yours right. And we may say, you wear it well. Espresso Smooth and versatile Espresso Roast is the very heart and soul of One Shot. Its rich flavor, lingering aroma and caramel sweetness make it the perfect found for lattes, cappuccinos and all One Shot coffee shop espresso based beverages. But you can also enjoy it all by itself indeed, that might be the best way to discover its nuances. White Chocolate Mocha White chocolate fans will tell you they like it elegant, creamy taste. Its smooth subtle, is a perfect complement to a bolder taste. There is no bolder than we are rich, full-bodied espresso tastes. And it turns out, there is no better way to experience the decadent white chocolate, rather than in this delicious beverage. Caramel Macchia-to Scores of people are passionate devotees of the signature beverage. So bewitch are they, youd think it was any kinds of magical elixir. Well theres no hocus pock here. Well tell you exactly what goes into it: creamy vanilla flavored syrup, freshly steamed milk with a topping of velvety rich foam, one intense hit of One Shot Espresso roast, a finish of buttery caramel drizzle. okay, we take it back. It sounds like is magic to us. but it taste even better. Vanilla Latte There are many delicious ways to join espresso, but one of that couldnt be more classic is that Vanilla latte. Just need a few ingredient make up that favorite: One Shot Signature espresso. Creamy steamed milk and our classic vanillas syrup. Simple, .Satisfying always. 4.Industry summary and analysis 4.1PESTEL This sector examines in detail the external environment as well as the macroeconomic forces include the current issues such as the global financial crisis, inflation, etc. facing the coffee industry operates. In this case, an analysis and estimation of the main external environment factors to the One Shot coffee shop by using the PESTEL Analysis. Any analysis of the successes and failures facing a SME must understand the macro environment within which a SME operates (Barney and Hesterly, 2008). The PESTEL framework is designed to provide managers with an analytic-al tool to identify different macro-environment factors that may business strategies, and to assess what difference environmental factor may influence the business performance now or in future. The PESTEL framework include six types of important environment influences: political, economic social, technological, environmental and legal factors. These factors would not be seen as independent factor. Factor such as a technological advances may probably affect the social and economic conditions in different markets. 4.1.1Political factors The political factor is to what extent the government intervention in the economy. Specifically, political factors, such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services, the government should provide or provided (merit goods), the government does not want (demerit goods or advantages of bads). In addition, governments have great influence in health, education, and a national infrastructure It is known that Singapore is a very stable country with low social risk, at the same time; the government of Singapore is encourage more and more tourists to Singapore, ;like the government building the casino in Singapore, the government also want more tourists come to Singapore. The government agencies in Singapore play a very active role in promoting Singapore as a global destination. Under the guidance of STB (Singapore tourism board) it takes majors to promote itself as a MICE destination. For such a good political factors let the business in Singapore get more benefit. Hence, the One Shot coffee shop may run its business stability and benefit its investment profitability under Singapores strong government policies. 4.1.2Legal factors Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer protection law, antitrust law, labor law, health and safety laws.These factors may affect the Companys operations, its cost, and the demand for its products. As Singapores law is very strict and the government will protect Intellectual property rights and doesnt allow other companies to infringe the copyright and intellectual property so it is very good for company to compete with each other fairly. For the One Shot coffee shop in Singapore its intellectual property rights had been protect under the Singapores legal. 4.1.3Economic factors Economic factors such as economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rate. These factors have significant impact on the enterprise how it works, and make a decision. For example, interest rates affect the companys cost of capital, and therefore, the extent to which the business growth and expansion. Exchange rates affect the cost of export goods and the supply and price of imported goods in the economic Based on trade, economics (2011), Singapores per capita GDP (gross domestic product) is higher than most developed countries. In fact, with the economic development of Singapores economy diversified, open trade policies, international communication links, and attract multinational investment. Singapore is a vibrant economy, and its economy is heavily dependent on exports. From 2007 to 2010, 7.62% of the to enjoy average GDP growth. It enjoys a higher per capita income than most developed countries. February 14, 2007, the Singapore government announced that the annual economic growth of 7.9% in 2006, 7.7% higher than originally anticipated. Singapores unemployment rate was 2.2%, around February 20, 2009. As of August 7, 2010, Singapore is one of the worlds fastest growing economies, the growth rate was 17.9% in the first half of 2010. Singapore is a highly abundant natural resources. Have advanced the state of the infrastructure, including country hotels, roads, transport facilities, telecommunicate facilities, aviation services. One Shot coffee shop might be an opportunity in such a good condition. 4.1.4Social factors Social factors include the cultural aspects of health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on the safety. Trend of social factors on the impact of the companys products and needs, the companys operations. For example, the aging of the population may mean a smaller, more willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). In addition, the company may change to a different management strategy, in order to adapt to these social trends (such as to hire older workers). Social environment in SMEs is concerned about innovation, risk taking, and large-scale transformation to social problem solving (Kuratko, 2008). Singapore has a very vibrant cosmopolitan culture. It has a very strong education system. Everyone is comfortable with English. Along with business tourism opportunities it has great facilities for leisure activities such as state of the art shopping malls, casinos, resorts, restaurants etc. Thus it can be concluded that the social factors are very supportive for the coffee industry in Singapore. Singapore is considered as a very safe city. 4.1.5Technological factors Technical factors, including the technical aspects, such as R D activity, automation, technology incentives, technological change speed. They were able to determine the access threshold, the minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. In addition, changes in technology will affect the cost, quality and lead to innovation. There is no doubt that the modern technology not only improves all the coffee equipments quality and productivity. but also accelerate the commercialization process of the coffee business. SMEs primarily face challenge of technologies in transportation, utility, health care, electrical, and computer industries. Technological forces can create new markets, reduce and eliminate cost barriers between businesses (David, 2009). Using a professional Espresso coffee machine made by Italian, never on the details of some coffee neglect. 4.1.6Environmental factors The environment factors such as the weather and climate change. The One Shot coffee shop will set hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore. the weather and climate change doesnt affect One Shot coffee shop. 4.2SWOT Humphrey, Albert (December 2005). SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats are involved in one project or in a commercial venture. It involved specifying the objectives of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. By using SWOT analysis can assist One Shot coffee shop to identify the internal weakness and external threats factors, then improve the performance and search the benefits from opportunities and counter the threats as well. 4.2.1STRENGTHS The freshest coffee. Now cook baked transported on a weekly basis, to ensure that the beans are in the peak of tasting The most rigorous training. Three months to six months rigorous training of professional coffee Daren implement the recipe from the coffee to the professional knowledge of coffee plus Leadership and Service concept, inject One Shot passion for each cup of coffee. The most professional and coffee.   A professional Espresso coffee machine of  Italian, never on the details of any coffee neglect. The most comfortable environment.   Most spacious seating space, with the tone of European art-style decor, and free wireless Internet service offers consumers the most comfortable and convenient dining environment The special location. In this hotel just have one coffee shop inside. 4.2.2WEAKNESSES Affected by the location, almost customers are the person who is live in this hotel. One Shot coffee shop is a new company, almost customer are like the Starbucks. 4.2.3OPPORTUNITIES An unfulfilled customer need. There is an opportunity to increase the customer base by advertising as well as developing the new products and services. The merger or other types of expansion strategy can be considered as the opportunities factors when this coffee shop business plan get to the stage of maturity. The coffee shop set in hotel industry is a new developing market. 4.2.4THREATS Price wars with competitors. Some of competitors strive to earn a higher market share by selling its products and services at a lower price. New entrants and cost: the threat of new entrants in the market is a critic elements. This is a growth factor in the development, but also the threat of new entrants,intense competition and rapid deployment in the target market. 4.3 Porters five forces The porters five forces model of competitive analysis is a widely used approach for developing strategies in many industries. Indeed, the five forces model can determine the kinds of competitive forces are the firm staffs facing and measure the force on how strong are there in different parts the company facing. The figure shows the porters five forces model of competition below. Porters five forces model of competition Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Rivalry a mongst existing firms in the industry Threat of substitute products or services Porter Five force High Medium Low Competitive Rivalry à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Threats of New Entry à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Bargaining Power of Customers à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Bargaining Power of Suppliers à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Threats of substitution à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (Source: diagram created for this assignment) 4.3.1Threat of new entrants (high) The threat of new entrants is the threat of new competitors in the industry, existing competitors. A profitable industry realized profits will attract more competitors. If these new entrants is very easy to enter the market low barriers to entry the company has been a threat to competition in this market. More competitive while consumer demand increases or increase capacity which means less profit to go around. According to the power of one of Porters five forces model, the threat of new entrants, shape the competitive structure of an industry. Porters definition of the threat of new entrants, and completely changed the way people look at an industry competitive. Coffee shop is a low expensive shop , and One Shot coffee shop is a new brand in Singapore,the required investment is low. The major cost includes the real estate and coffee related equipments. Franchise is also an option that investment risks are low,Barriers to entry are low, thus the threat of new entrants are high due to low switch cost, and low capital requirements, and low restrictions. So the threat of new entrants is high. 4.3.2Threat of substitute products or services (high) The threat of substitute products or services: product substitutes and other products to perform the same or similar functions. Professor of microeconomics, more alternatives, the demand for the product becomes more elastic. The elasticity of demand is the consumer price sensitivity, which is equivalent to less certainty of profits. An attractive alternative to price the price of alternatives as the upper limit of the price of the underlying product. An attractive alternative behavior, depressed prices to reach its profit potential of the industry. Improved quality, alternatives alternatives quality is high, there are more and more pressure, the increase in the quality of the main product. Low switching costs passed on to consumers switching costs for consumers can come in the form of currency conversion costs cost or lifestyle. The monetary cost to the price of alternative products, and the cost of living is subjective, it is difficult to determine. In either case, more easily and lower cost is to switch to the alternative, the Alternate higher threat. Other substitutes tea, juice, soft drinks, alcohol and other coffee and non-coffee related drinks. given the sensitivity of consumers to price of coffee and a number of substitute available, the significance of the threat from substitutes is high. 4.3.3Bargaining power of suppliers (medium) Powerful bargaining power of suppliers, the seller and the buyer, the seller greater influence. This effect can be used to reduce the profit the buyer more favorable pricing, the limit product or service quality, or part of the cost is passed on to the buyer, the supplier is powerful. coffee is supplied by a variety of farms from South America or Africa. Third of all the coffee farms are less than one third. Industry main hedge position by diversifying those supplier portfolio. The power of suppliers is medium since there is a wide array of farmlands that supply specialty coffee beans, however, the farmers do supply a differentiated product. 4.3.4Bargaining power of buyers (Low) Porters five forces buyer bargaining power is consumer pressure, can play on the enterprise, allowing them to provide higher quality products and better customer service, lower prices. In the analysis of the bargaining power of buyers, industry analysis, from the sellers point of view. According to Porters five forces industry analysis framework, the buyer power of the forces shaping one of the competitive structure of an industry. The number of buyers in the industry is large, and their purchases are low volume. Industrys products, service and experience are differentiated.A cup of coffee does not represent a significant fraction a buyers cost of living. The buyers power is low because of that they lacked negotiation power and the ability to force down prices and pit competitors against each other. 4.3.5Rivalry among-st existing firms in the industry (Medium) Competitiveness increasingly competitive, when one or more competitors see an opportunity to grow, and competitors customers, or feel the need to attract more customers because of low profitability. Competition in the industrial competitiveness is an important issue, usually there will be many competitors are trying to carry out a sufficient rate of return on investment, profitability is generally low. Several competitors those who have already established a competitive advantage the profits of treason, but the more competitive competition means that the balance of payments, and generate enough cash to survive the struggle. Retaliation competitive competition intensified, the reaction of competitors, an aggressive strategy, with its own offensive or defensive strategy. This kind of competition is often the reasons for lower prices, competitors use a marginal contribution to the cost of administrative expenses. However, the competitiveness of the competition by fighting in advertising, product introduction and customer service. One Shot coffee shop is a coffee shop in the hotel ,The intensity of rivalry is medium because of the numerous competitor within the industry, despite it being a growing at 15% annually. On the other hand, there is no evidence of price or advertising wars within the industry. 5.Market strategy One Shot Cultures marketing strategy will be focused at getting new customer, retaining the exist customers, got customers to spend more or come back more often. Building a loyal customer base is a paramount importance since such customer core will not only generate most of the sales but also will provide favorable referrals. 5.1Competitive Edge One Shot culture, positioning itself as a unique coffee bar, its customers can not only enjoy the perfect coffee a cup, but also spent time in the surrounding environment. Comfortable sofas and chairs, dim lighting and quiet relaxing music will help customers relax from everyday stress, to distinguish single from incumbent competitors culture. 5.2Sales strategy The shooting cultural balistas the processing sales transactions. In order to speed up customer service, and at least two employees to provide services to customers of an employee, customer orders will be ready, the other employees will be taken care of sales transactions. All data will be recorded on the sales of computer point-of-sale terminal in the subsequent analysis for marketing purposes. In order to build its customer base, we will use the banner of a single culture and flyers, customer referrals with other businesses, communities and cross-promotional. At the same time, the customer retention program will be used to ensure that customers come back and spend more coffee. 5.3Marketing mix The Marketing mix is a common words that used to describe a various choices which the company must process the procedure of bringing a specific services or products to the market. Besides, it is also known as the four Ps which include the Price, Place, Product and Promotion. (Kamil et al 2009) 5.3.1Product strategy The product actually means that the service or product introduced by the company which offer to the customer of the target market. In this business plan, the product of One Shot coffee shop company is the services such as the pool lessons, the rental of One Shot coffee shop, and the snacks and beverage counter services. constantly developing new breakfast cereals the product element is the new product themself, setting the price right involved examining customer perception and rival products as well as costs of manufacture, promotion involved engaging in a range of promotional activities e.g. competitions, product tasting etc, 5.3.2Place strategy Marketing experts know that the best product in the world will never make an impact in the business world if no one can locate and obtain it. Keeping this simple, yet vital brick in the house of marketing, One Shot coffee shop gives careful consideration to the placement of its restaurant. Within that marketing research, It takes into consideration the population of a given part, major roadway in the vicinities of the proposed coffee shop site, traffic that passes by the coffee shop site, and the demographics of that area, as they know a great deal about One Shot customers. The place of One Shot coffee shop is in hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore, in the hotel ,there is only had one coffee shop inside.so the place of One Shot coffee shop is a very good place, its in the central of Singapore. 5.3.3Pricing strategy Built in the right area, the people will come, but a good price does play a role, so that they come back. The single main content of the marketing strategy is one of the efficient pricing of their products. Understanding of the target market, including a large part of the family, they always need an affordable way to go out to dinner with their children, over the years a menu price, almost anyone can eat a lens, and enjoy quality meals without flowers a lot of money. What is really down the value of people enjoy single food, which is a big part of repeat customers, the best in the world price of products sold, if consumers do not think, what they buy. In fact, a single pointed out in their value menu in recent years, it provides a selection of menu items at a low price, this thoroughly. Other marketing concepts are integrated into the strategic value menu. Menu as the value of this project , to sell profitable products, this is a small loss leaders, if any profits are usually single cafe, coffee and soft drinks of your choice to accompany earnings, so that you have a a good price, but single cafe achieve the profitability. 5.3.4Promotion strategy One Shot coffee shop are still some basic promo gimmicks that most cafes should have like coffee mugs with your logo print on it. Travel mug is one of the most besought after item coffee junkies want. One Shot can sell these at shop or give it away on special occasion like your store open or yearly anniversary. One Shot coffee shop should also or have other standard promotional items such as shirts, key chains, tumblers, and note pads. If you want your promotion items to been seen more, offer things what people will really used outside the home like T- shirts, caps and visors, laptop bags, and backpack. For the high end market, One Shot coffee shop can sell CDs with a collection of music One shot coffee shop usually play at One Shot coffee shop Another method to market One Shot coffee shop business is by increasing One Shot coffee shop visibility online. Set-up a website where One Shot coffee shop can post materials related to the coffee business. One Shot coffee shop can also post announcements on One Shot coffee shop website for special offers and contests. Post One Shot coffee shop details on One Shot coffee shop site such as name, logo, location and telephone number. Add one page for suggestion, a forum and contact pages. Promote a special item on your menu on a week basis. One Shot product can be one coffee beverage, pastry or dessert. Announce the promotion on One Shot coffee shop site. Make One Shot coffee shop promo exciting and fun to encourage customers to come. One Shot coffee shop could have a contest like a coffee art contest wherein customers can create their own coffee art win prizes. Post the contest details and prizes on One Shot coffee shop website too. Prizes can be inexpensive like a free mug of coffee, coupon or free T-shirt with One Shot logo. Offering coffee charge cards is a very good idea. It is convenient for some staff and client. Instead of searching for coin and bill in their wallet or bag, customers can simply use a prepaid charge card to buy One Shot coffee. It is pretty convenient for customers who bought coffee daily. In other advantage is that One Shot get to sold more coffee in advance. 6.Management team and company structure This section of the business plan is essential information for investors and financial institution-it gives information about how your company is organized and who is in charge. This section is useful for relaying who accomplishes what tasks for the business, the business knowledge of the management team and the qualifications of the board . In this coffee shop Mr.Wang is the CEO, and Mr.Kun is the Chief Operating Officer,and one Chief Financial one Officer Chief Marketing Officer one Chief Technology Officer CEO may be able to set strategic, predict the future and control the budget, CEOs think about where the organization are going, the people and process need to get there, and how they will work in the current market. A COO handles a companys complex operational details. The companys COO insures the business can deliver day by day. COO figure out just what need to be measured so COO can tell if that things are going well. Then COOs team create the systems to track the measurement and take action when the company is not delivering. CFO will been busy figuring out that customers, business line and product is profitable, so the next year you can afford the really cool equipment. CMO owns the marketing strategyand that often includes the sales strategyand oversees its implement. The CMO will know or learn One Shot industry inside out and helps One Shot position One Shot product, differentiate it from your competitors products, enlist distributor, and make sure that customers are learn to crave One Shot product. CTO is a very important person in One Shot coffee shop, CTO need produce the coffee which one can make it more good. And at last we need 10 waiters, One Shot coffee shop must ensure that when a customer needs help always had one waiter in the side. 7. Operating planning It is describe one short term way of achieve milestones and explain how, or that portion . A strategic plan will set into operation when a given operational period, in the case in a commercial application, the fiscal year or another given budget term. One operational plan are the basis for, and testificatory for an annual operate budget request. Therefore, five year strategic plan need five operation plan fund by five operate budget. Operational plans should build the activity and budgets for every part of the organization for the next 1 to 3 years. One Shot link the strategic plan with the activity the organizations will deliver and the resources require to deliver their. An action plan drawn directly describe institutions and plan tasks and goals, plan objectives and plan activities of agencies and programs of strategic plan. 7.1 Clear objectives In fact, the objectives same as the Goals addressed at the beginning of this business plan, the details of the clear objectives summarized . The clear objectives of the One Shot coffee shop company Objectives Description Rent a venue approximate 5,000 square feet as the location of One Shot coffee shops business operation. Offer a custom-made coffee lessons. Provide in details the One Shot coffee shop companys first year projected profit and loss statement. Establish the working relationships with the hotel during the period of first operating year. Build a positive image and perception as well as enhance the One Shot coffee shops awareness to the public. (Source: diagram created for this assignment) 8.Risk Assessment Management Risk assessment is a step in a risk

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Arthrogryposis is a disorder in which a child is born with joint contractures; this means some of their joints may be stuck in one position (curved or crooked). Children born with this disorder may have thin, weak, stiff, or missing muscles around these joints. The most common cause of arthrogryposis is fetal akinesia which is where the baby doesn’t move around a lot in the womb during development. Extra tissue can form in the joints making movement more difficult for the child to move. The reasons that fetal akinesia can take place may be because the womb was abnormally shaped so there wasn’t enough room for the baby to move around, amniotic fluid may have leaked out of the womb, or the baby’s parts did not form normally such as joints, bones, and muscles. They have also found that in approximately one third of the children who have this disorder have been determined to be a genetic cause. Approximately one in three thousand children are born with this disorder and it does not progress over time. There does not appear to be any precedence as to sex or race and it is developed at conception. There are several types of Arthrogryposis which include Amyoplasia, Distal, Classic, and Syndromic. According to the Shriners hospitals for children, Amyoplasia is an overall lack of muscular development and growth with contracture, a loss of joint motion, and deformity of most joints. Babies with this type have dense fibrous tissue and fat instead of skeletal muscle. Distal affects several joints usually in the hands and feet, and range of motion may be slightly limited. Classic usually affects the hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, feet and knees with different degrees of severity. The most severe case can affect almost joint ... ...osture and weight bearing strength. In conclusion, children with arthrogryposis benefit from therapy; early intervention is important so they will not have further delays in performing tasks. Adaptive equipment can be provided to these patients so they can complete their ADLs and succeed in self-care skills. Having a supportive family is very important to these children. Children with this condition need a lot of encouragement and motivation from the people they love the most. If a family is not involved in their childs life it may cause other problems as well such as lacking emotional regulation skills or further delays in other skills from lack of opportunity. For these children to make progress, therapy should not only be worked on with the occupational therapist, but it should be carried over into the home too. Encouragement from loved ones is really the trick.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Chapter 5 of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein :: Free Essay Writer

Chapter 5 of Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein. I will be looking at why Frankenstein has become such a well known novel and reasons why Mary Shelly. I am writing an essay on one of Mary Shelley’s novels â€Å"Frankenstein†, this is unique to Mary Shelley because from a very young age she has had gothic horror involved in her life â€Å"she entered the world like the heroine of a gothic tale†. Gothic horror was so popular because people were starting to read and watch horror novels. I will be focusing this essay on chapter 5 of Mary Shelley’s novel â€Å"Frankenstein†. I will be looking at why â€Å"Frankenstein† has become such a well known novel and reasons why Mary Shelly chose to write a novel like this. Mary Shelley wrote this novel due to many set backs in her life such as; her mother dying at such young stage of Mary’s life, and the suicide of her half sister Frankenstein’s experiment was important to Mary because it was Mary wanted to do all her life; conquer death. The novel is written in the 1st person to make it look like Frankenstein’s series of events like a diary. The setting of chapter 5 is where Frankenstein has completed the monster and hates his creation so much. Frankenstein gives a vivid image of what is creation looks like; he shows all emotions in this chapter. Frankenstein is the main character in this chapter because it’s all his feelings and emotions. â€Å"I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body. For this I had deprived myself of rest and health†, I feel this is effective because it shows how bad he feels towards and about his creation. Mary Shelley shows how Frankenstein had dreamed of this nearly all of his life but that all goes wrong; â€Å"I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart†, this emphasizes his disgust with the creature and himself. Mary Shelley describes the creature in a lot of detail to give a vivid image of what Frankenstein has created and that some things of Frankenstein’s creation were life like but others made it the monster it was; â€Å"His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! -- Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but

Galileo Galilei :: essays research papers

Galileo Galilei Galileo was probably the greatest astronomer, mathematician and scientist of his time. In fact his work has been very important in many scientific advances even to this day. Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15th, 1564. His father, Vincenzo was a music teacher and musician. After his family moved to Florence, Galilei was sent to a monastery to be educated. He was so happy there that he decided to become a monk, but his father wanted him to be a medical doctor and brought him home to Florence. He was never really interested in medicine and studied mathematics at the University of Pisa. He was especially interested in famous mathematicians like Euclid (geometry) and Archimedes. In fact in 1586 he wrote his first book about one of Archimedes theories. He eventually became head of mathematics at the University of Pisa where he first wrote about a very important idea that he developed. It was about using experiments to test theories. He wrote about falling bodies in motion using inclined planes to test his theories.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bader 2. When his father died in 1591 Galileo had to support his family. He looked for a job that paid more, and became professor of mathematics at the University of Padua where he stayed for eighteen years. He became very interested in astronomy at that time partly because of the discovery of a new star in 1604. (This turned out to be an exploding sun called a supernova). During these years he did more work on his theories of falling bodies, inclined planes and how projectiles travel. This work is still used today, for example in ballistics where computers can predict the path of a shell based on Galileo’s work. In 1609 the telescope was invented and Galileo began making his own lenses for better telescopes and then started looking at the sky. In December and January (1609-1610) it is said that he made more discoveries that changed the world that anyone has made before or since. He wrote a book called the â€Å"Starry Messenger†, and said that there were mountains on the moon, the Milky Way was made up of many stars, and there were small bodies in orbit around Jupiter. He used his mathematical skills to calculate the motions of these bodies around Jupiter. In 1610 he started looking at Saturn and discovered the rings, and the phases of Saturn (just like our moon’s phases).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Corporate Culture

Corporate culture has been said to be the toughest component of a business to change. Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why? I do believe In this statement and believe that It Is actually true. The company's culture Is something that consists of the values, norms, and the goals of the organization. When all of these things are put together, they form the culture of that company. Any company that is being unethical can obtain all of these goals. However, they must surely stand to fall in the future. Unethical behavior will always come to the light in given time.If a company selects to run In an organized, ethical way – then the company will surely not need to change their culture but to build on It and Increase positivist in It. A company that hasn't been running so smoothly and In the ethical way will have a hard time in changing its ways. When we think of culture – we think of a large term with a large meaning. For example, if the United States wanted to change something culturally, then we would have a very hard time in doing so. First because our ultra is NOT to do what someone else says to do but what we, in general, say to do.It can be the same with a business. Even though It may be easy for the company to see the rewards of changing the culture of the business, actually Implementing and following that change will be difficult. Define the five types of power according to French and Raven's theory. Provide examples of each. According to this theory, there are 5 types of power: Coercive, Reward, Legitimate, Referent, and Expert. Coercive power is something, or an action, that someone in power will take in order to make hangs go their way. Threats and punishment are common tools of coercion. Implying or threatening that someone will be fired, demoted, denied privileges, or given undesirable assignments (French and Ravens Five Forms of Power, Reward power is something that someone will do in order to â€Å"praise† an employe e; obviously only a person who has access and the ability to reward people. † Raises, promotions, desirable assignments, training opportunities, and even simple compliments (French and Raven's Five Forms of Power, n. D)†.Legitimate power is a â€Å"type of power that can be unpredictable and unstable. If you lose the title or position, legitimate power can Instantly disappear – since others were Influenced by the position, not by you. Also, your scope of power Is limited to situations that others believe you have a right to control. If the fire chief tells people to stay away from a burning building, they'll probably listen. But if he tries to make people stay away from a street fight, people may well ignore him (French and Raven's Five Forms of Power, n. . )†. Referent power â€Å"Is sometimes thought of as charisma, charm, admiration, or appeal. Referent power comes from one person Liking and respecting another, and strongly Identifying with that person In some way. Celebrities have referent power, which is why they can influence everything from what people buy to whom they elect to office. In a workplace, a person with charm often makes everyone feel good, so he or she tends to have a lot of influence (French and Raven's Five Forms of Power, n. D. )†.Lastly, expert power is† when you have knowledge and skills that enable you to understand a situation, suggest solutions, use solid Judgment, and generally outperform others, people will probably listen to you. When you subject matter expert, your ideas will have more value, and others will look to you for leadership in that area (French and Raven's Five Forms of Power, n. D. )†. Reference French and Raven's Five Forms of Power: Understanding Where Power Comes From in the Workplace. (n. D. ). Retrieved September 6, 2014, from http://www. Middleton. Com/ pages/article/Newell_56. HTML

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Christian Family Center School Essay

Domingo St. Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon urban center is unruffled of Elementary and high school. Christian Family rivet civilize Foundation intentions manual of arms way in operating their subr step upine subr exposeine depository subr knocked out(p)ine subroutine subroutine subroutine subroutine program library. library is regarded as the brain of all bring many institutes under(a)stand the importance of the library to the growth of the institute and their esteem exploiters (students). library carcass that offers many flexible and commodious features, that allows librarians and library users to maximize m and efficiency. depository library carcass of rules assigns the all detailed instruction round students, staff and books.It leave alone click on the how many books avail fitted in library and books issued to the students. It shows popular book among the students. It exit pull up stakes book lost in library. subroutine library is derived from the over-the-hill French libraries which fashion a in conclave of book. course session materials in a school be stored in libraries. The program library is a home base in which books and associate materials ar unbroken for use but not for sale. It is in any case organize for use and maintained by a public body, an institution or a private individual. In addition, it is a ship in which we get tuition in antithetical coiffes and from many sources.The library must be neat so that it is conducive for learning. It is the place where students and researchers go to in order to recover all the questions to their queries and eventually find answers. It is therefore the role of a librarian to move the place as clean and as orderly as possible. It is alike his duty to keep unhurt all instruction related to library transactions like the ins and outs of books. Statement of the bother Based on the conducted interview and observations, the throng had come up with the quest pr oblems macrocosm encountered by the excogitate. The get a line seeks to answer the sideline problems1. They s composed more than(prenominal) time in natureing the inventory of the books and as well as in recording the transactions of borrowing. 2. Possible of losing the records. 3. The veri gameboard mortal exerts more effort in this manual ways. 4. The records atomic number 18 un organized. Objectives of the domain The following are the objectives aimed by the researchers to create a useful library anxiety scheme to the proponents, Christian Family Center take Foundation. 1. To be able to develop a system that helps the school library to secure the knowledge/ data inputted. barely the authorized person cease recover the system. 2.To be able to minimize the time and effort of the person who is in charge in inquiring books. 3. To be able to minimize the gap of losing the data. 4. To be able to engage an organized data in library. Scope and Limitations The fi eld of the program is you can easily record the books being barrowed by the students. It similarly has a precise user-friendly inter caseful. Thus the users will feel very easy to pop off on it. The software provides accuracy on with a pleasant interface. Make the leave manual system more interactive, agile and user friendly. The transaction reports of the system can be retried as and when required.Thus, there is no de send in the availability of any info, what incessantly requested, can be captured very quickly and easily. Although this proposed system realises the users, it also has its limitations. archetypal the system is connected into a network. Only one can entropy processing system at a time can door the system. Second, the person that can access the system is limited (Librarian/ provide). Significance of the Study This IT project intends to provide an accu pass judgment and effective library Management System which will benefit the following Librarian/Staff, t he librarian handles the observe of information in the library.It will change magnitude the time, enhance the level of work, help its accomplishes more reliable and efficient, and provide accuracy and security of data information. Students, students can borrow and go across books in the library. It will derive the process of borrowing and returning books easier. CHAPTER 2 follow OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDY This chapter move overs the related literature and studies, local and foreign, that gives bearing to the indue psychoanalyze. Local Literature According to Malnig (1991), online research began more than 25 years ago with convoluted and cumbersome searches through Dialog. functional long before the common place use of the internet, the EarMest Dialog system was stainless in 1996. It was worlds low gear online information retrieval system to be use globally with materially meaning(a) databases and for the use in libraries. However, it was said that it has a more te chnical interface than the newer versions on online libraries, and the manual library system. Biggs and Biggs (1987) conducted a come of the heads of schoolman library reference function to render the gathering maturation for the study name Reference ar roll outment ontogenesis in Academic Libraries Report of a Survey.It was plunge that selection and weeding were not guided by any indite policy and studies of use of sight were missing. rootages reason out that online sources were important factors in selection. Harloe and Budd (1994) in accretion Development and Scholary Communication in the period of Electronic Access examined the relationship betwixt appeal exploitation and system of critical communication in donnish library. They discussed on bearership verses access to information and presented strategies for sight outgrowth in electronic networked system.Sridhar (1995) wrote an name named Problems of arrangement Development in finical Libraries. He exp lored the various factors affecting order of battle development in special libraries and highlighted the signification of army development policy manual. source pointed out the various problems related to inventory selection and procural. Andrade and Vergueiro (1996) also wrote an condition under title ingathering Development in Academic Libraries A Brazilian depository librarys Experience. The article is base on the solicitation development practices of a Brazilian academic library. roots outlined the opposite models of show development given by professionals. Haider (1996) in his motif Acquisition and com drop a linedium Development in Pakistan analyzed the cons machinatets approach by Pakistani libraries in the procurement of books from abroad. wishing of proper prudence, absence of equal personnel, non-existence of acquisition policy statements, non-existence of selection aids, ever shrinking library cyphers, fluctuating rate of the rupee, inflation, import pol icy, trade embargoes against some countries, pecuniary policy etc. were the major hurdle found.Foreign Literature According to Britannica Online (2010), the playscript library derives from Latin Liber, which means The hold in. The origin of libraries sequences back around third century B. C in Babylonia, where keep written records which has been part of their history. The first libraries as a entreaty of books were evidenced in Greek temples and those established in unification with Greek schools and philosophy in fourth century B. C modern libraries normally contain periodicals, microfilms, tapes, videos, compact discs, and other materials in addition to books.Dewey (1992), as cited by Pasilan (2000) defines in integrated library system as the one that bring together numerous library task into one system. It allows the library to stupefy a direct on its automation with a great efficiency. It also allows the user to use the library data for the acquisition, cataloging and c irculation of library armys. Hoffer, Prescott and McFadden (2002) defines a database as an organized collection of related data. They also delimitate data as known facts that are recorded and stored on a computer system are structured to be easily stored, manipulated, queried and retrieved by data users.Thornton (2000) concussion of Electronic Resources on Collection Development, the mathematical functions of Librarians, and library Consortia. Study was conducted to find the impact of electronic resources and the Internet on collection development and discuss the changing role of librarians, library co-operation and collection development. It had been cerebrate that consortia will establish more important sources in electronic information world. Pandita (2004) in her makeup Collection Development in the Digital while examined the impact of electronic format on the collection development.She pointed out that the policy of field of study development contains to be worked ou t and re-designed. Mandal and Panda (2005) in their research paper titled Collection Development in the Internet Age and the Need for a Consortium in the Engineering College Libraries in West Bengal A Study discussed the different dimensions of collection development. The active state of library collection and infrastructural facilities of 17 plan college libraries in West Bengal were examined. root suggested the staff teaching, homework of adequate staff and funds, appropriate radix in IT and a need ground collection.Mulla and Chandrashekara (2006) E-Resources and Services in Engineering College Libraries A Case Study. Study was conducted to examine the efforts made by the engineering college libraries in Karnataka to fortify electronic resources. Results of the study revealed that collection and service infrastructure of the libraries in sampled regions were not up to the mark and libraries were struggling to build digital collection and in disseminating digital informat ion due to drop of ICT infrastructure, IT proficient manpower and paucity of finances, etc.Adekanmbi and Boadi (2008) in study titled, Problems of Developing subroutine library Collections A Study of Colleges of Education Libraries in Botswana ascertain the availability and use of collection development policies in the college of direction libraries, in Botswana. In addition to use questionnaires, interviews were conducted to gather information from senior librarians, deputy principals of colleges and board of the affiliate institutions of the University of Botswana. Study brought to notice that majority of the libraries did not have collection development policies.Lack of changeless training for librarians, inadequate staff, lack of support from administration and unavailability of collection development policies were some of the major problems found. It was unless found that majority of the libraries did not charter their users in formulation of policies and did not app aratus these for collection development. Study revealed the need to train librarians on collection development. Mary and Sankar (2008) Collection military rank of PSN College of Engineering and Technology subroutine library and PET Engineering College program library in Tirunelveli district.Authors described the various techniques of evaluating the chronicle collection in academic libraries and evaluated the collection development practices of two engineering colleges. Sharma et al. (2008) evaluated the collection development in libraries of 38 engineering colleges of Orissa under title Collection Management of Engineering College Libraries of Orissa An Evaluative Study. breeding was collected from libraries using questionnaires.Study conclude thatgrowing dissatisfaction of the users arising from non-availability of needed documents and lack of provision of operate could be boiled devour to some extent, by rendering at least CAS or current contents or information virtual ly in style(p) addition to users. Mallaiah and Gowda (2009) in paper Collection Development in Mangalore University Library A User Study discussed the usefulness of collection development in a university library and attempted to find whether the UGC-INFONET E- diarys were meeting the users information needs.Local Study The developments in information environments implies that new collection development policies need to be revised from time to time to ensure access to a wider range of e-documents and e-databases. These policies should give more emphasis on licensing agreements, copyrights, intellectual access, the mode of payment, subscription costs and archiving. A number of attempts have been made by the university libraries and academic institutions to develop collection development policies.Suzanne D Gyesley (2001) reported that the escalating price and quick growth in electronic journal databases along with traditional print subscriptions and monographs constrained library adm inistrators and collection development librarians to make decisions between printed products or electronic formats in the new millennium. A fragmentise study was conducted at A&M University libraries, Texas, the States in the disciplines of political science and economic science to compare the annual subscription prices and percentage annex of 203 core printed journals with their electronic counterparts during 1998-2000 academic years.The electronic use statistics were examined for the expensive serials base on the number of hits by the users. Based on this study he reported that libraries were hale to pay for dual subscriptions both for paper and in electronic form. It also revealed that susceptibility and students were satisfied with the use of e-journals. It also indicated a trend that libraries would switch to electronic format if the price of electronic journals dropped. Considering the question of what the present collection of libraries mean to the user in the current i nformation environment.Collection depth psychology techniques educate and support the new library staff about collection and provide better data to determine collection development priorities for compute planning. It helps librarians to assist their jockstraps search for information. The collection was evaluated using online analysis tools. Topics covered are about the importance of e-book collections, faculty participation in the selection for more balanced and countywide collection management plan. Their article lists out the benefits of conducting collection analysis.It revealed that collection analysis has a positive impact on collection development and management. Findings inferred from this study suggest that access to the collection were improved and some problems encountered with a particular collection were identified. Foreign Study Mukherjee (1965) carried out a study titled, Library Facilities in Training Colleges of India to assess the prevailing position of 50 teach er training college libraries. Questionnaire was apply as data collection tool. Study revealed that majority of libraries did not have sufficient space for proper functioning. close to of teacher training colleges did not have their own libraries. Staff and students depended on the university libraries to which education section was attached. Naidu (1981) in his research paper, College Libraries in Andhra Pradesh With Special Reference to Andhra University attempted to find the causes leading to unhappy situation of libraries. Author disclosed the gloomy picture of college libraries and suggested to lay down some norms and standards for college libraries by supervision commission of each university.He kick upstairs suggested that at least 6% of the college budget should be spent on library. Author emphasized the need to give excogitation to users in the beginning of each academic year. In an article titled A Survey of College Libraries in West Godavari District Raju (1984) explo red the prevailing position of libraries of 18 colleges consort to Andhra University, Waltair. Various facets of libraries i. e. library staff, building, collection, book banks, budget and technical operate, etc have been examined. Financial sources were found inadequate.DDC and AACR-I were popular among libraries. Survey revealed the immediate need to improve the service to meet information needs of students, teachers and research scholars. Kumbar (1986) took up a study named College Libraries under ulbarga University Area A Survey. He assessed the existing situation and side of 54 colleges libraries. Besides using questionnaires, interviews were also conducted to collect data. Only one librarian possessed masters stratum in Library Science. Survey delineated a disappointing picture of libraries as only 12 libraries had their own buildings.Libraries were pass more funds on books and relatively less on periodicals. Library services were not found satisfactory. It was found t hat more than 50% libraries brought out annual reports. Jasmer Singh (1990) carried out research for doctorate degree on the topic College Libraries in Punjab A statistical Analysis of the Problems He conducted a see to find the problems being set about by college libraries of Punjab and Chandigarh and also attempted to study the use of libraries. He covered 210 colleges under study, including cinque colleges of education also.Questionnaire-I was used to know about the prevalent position of libraries and problems being go about by librarians in managing these. Two separate questionnaires were used to know the opinions of students and teachers about their individual libraries. Bajpai (1995) in research paper Evaluation of College Library Services in Delhi assessed the services of college libraries in Delhi and identified their problems. He brought out front that librarians often found it difficult to read with teaching and non-teaching staff members regarding return of books. For this, library rules existed only on paper and were not being implemented properly.Chopra (1995) revealed the problems being faced by college libraries of Punjab in his article titled College Libraries in Punjab Some Problems Re-Considered. Article is based on the personal observations of the author. He sort these problems into three parts i. e. problems related to the management of colleges, problems concerned with principals of colleges and finally those related to library staff. Shortage of staff, inadequate funds, physical facilities, circulation of books, stock certificate verifications and library hours etc. were the facets discussed in paper.Martin (1976) in his article User Studies and Library intend discussed the user studies and appraised their role in library planning. Author provided various guidelines for conducting user studies and concluded that user data strengthens the planning and decision-making processes at several levels, so the responses of users should b e an inbuilt part of the ongoing practice of librarians, providing constant feedback. Coker (1993) has written a useful article titled Libraries Verses Users?How and How Not to Deter Library Users. Author examined the various factors influencing theattitude of users towards libraries and also took into consideration the socioeconomic, technological, physical/technical and mental/ emotional conditions shaping up the perceptions of non users, chasten users and potential users. Wildemuth (2003) in article titled Why Conduct User Studies? The Role of Empirical Evidence in astir(p) the Practice of Librarianship emphasized that by gathering evidences about library users, their interactions with library services and materials and context in which those materials and services are used, librarians can make sound decisions for the future.Author discussed on the methodology for conducting user studies and example of results as basis for decision making. Carr (2006) What Users essential An Academic Hybrid Library persuasion. Author described the development of user centered approach in academic libraries over the recent decades. He wrote that more often than not unquestioned user get what we give them attitude was being transformed into what do users exigency? approach. The failure to take what users want into account would leave academic library high and dry in the forswear of lost opportunities. Definition of Terms utilize in the Case Study.1. Library is derived from the old French libraries which means a collection of book. 2. Librarian the person who is in charged in the library. 3. Computer is composed of the hardware, software and people. 4. record book reading material. 5. Staff the assistant of the librarian. CHAPTER 3 THE EXISTING carcass The diagrams down the stairs represent the flow of the existing system of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System. It shows also the Equipments and software used. Context direct Data menstr uate draw of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System. diagram 0 Next Level of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System Level 1plat Showing the Decomposition of impact 2. 0 from the Level 0 Diagram Status Available hold up Book Information detail of Books Student Receipt Equipment shortly utilise, Specifications, and greet The table below shows the Equipment and Currently Used, Specifications, and toll of the Existing System. OFFICE SUPPLIES QUANTITY social unit PRICE sum total Ball pen / pencil 15 10. 00 150. 00 Log Book 2 54. 75 109. 50 news report Pack 5 75. 00 375. 00 Envelope 26 4. 25 110. 50 Stapler 1 85. 25 85. 25 come up 830. 25 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT.COST VALUE count Computer Package 26,975. 00 1 26,975. 00 picking Cabinet 1,568. 00 1 1,568. 00 Electric cull out 800. 00 4 3200. 00 Chairs 280. 00 48 13,440. 00 Tables 850. 00 8 6,500. 00 Total 51,683. 00 software product Currently Used and bell The table below shows the Software Currently Used and woo. SOFTWARE COST come up Windows 7 1000. 00 1000. 00 Microsoft Office 2000. 00 2000. 00 Total 3000. 00 CHAPTER 4 THE PROPOSED SYSTEM Methods of Research Used The proponents used RAD method by planning the requirements for the system and meet to assign the own task of the members of the proponents.The proponents give a date for deadline where the proponents will meet for the easier and fast way, the proponents utter through internet to compile their designate task and finished the system. Data assemblage Instruments Interview is defined as a meeting to people face to face to cinfer about something or an act of a questioning to receive a in demand(p) answer that is necessary in firmness of purpose a specific problem. Interview benefits the researches in the sense that this will be used in gathering facts. The interviews will be conducted on the July 12, 2014 and to that respondent who uses the system directly.The diagrams below represent the flow of the pr oposed system of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System. Level 1 Context Level Data Flow Diagram of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System Level 1 Diagram 0 Next Level of Christian Family Center School Foundation Library System Level 1 Diagram Showing Decomposition of Process 1. 0 from the Level 1 Diagram 0 Program Flowchart Equipment Currently Used, Specifications, and salute The table below shows the Equipment and Currently Used, Specifications, and Cost of the Existing System.OFFICE SUPPLIES QUANTITY social unit PRICE TOTAL Ball pen / pencil 15 10. 00 150. 00 Log Book 2 54. 75 109. 50 publisher Pack 5 75. 00 375. 00 Envelope 26 4. 25 110. 50 Stapler 1 85. 25 85. 25 Total 830. 25 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT COST VALUE TOTAL Computer Package 26,975. 00 1 26,975. 00 cream Cabinet 1,568. 00 1 1,568. 00 Total 28,543. 00 Software Currently Used and Cost The table below shows the Software Currently Used and Cost. SOFTWARE COST TOTAL Windows 7 1000. 0 0 1000. 00 Microsoft Office 2000. 00 2000. 00 Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 mouth 1000. 00 1000. 00 Total 4000. 00.